CakePHP 3: Date/Time Disappearing during Hydration

When generating a date/time for saving to a MySQL database, I’ve always tended to generate it with the PHP date method (date('Y-m-d H:i:s')). However, using CakePHP 3, with dateTime validation set on the field, the date/time would disappear during hydration of the entity, but without a validation error.

I still suspected that validation was the issue here, so started having a look at the validation method to try to work out what was going wrong. Before I got very far, I noticed that the datetime validation method validates any value that is a Cake DateTime object. Therefore, the simple solution is to create the date/time using Cake’s built-in Time class:

use Cake\I18n\Time;
$datetime = Time::now();

Cake then happily saves the DateTime in the standard MySQL format.

PHP: Naturally sorting multidimension arrays by string values

This is just one of those things that I have to do often enough for it to be useful to have it close at hand, but not often enough that I actually remember how to do it.

I often run into this problem when using CakePHP, as results are returned from the database in a multidimensional array. Since MySQL doesn’t (as far as I’m aware) have an easy natural sort option, even if the results are sorted by name, strings that have numbers in can end up in the wrong order, e.g. “Item 10” before “Item 2”. Using a combination of usort() and strnatcasecmp(), it’s pretty easy to naturally sort an array by a value that appears in each subarray, like this:

usort($array, function($a, $b) {
    return strnatcasecmp($a['name'], $b['name']);

As an example, say I got the following array back from MySQL:

$array = array(
        'id' => 265,
        'name' => 'Drawer 1'
        'id' => 971,
        'name' => 'Drawer 10'
        'id' => 806,
        'name' => 'Drawer 2'
        'id' => 429,
        'name' => 'Drawer 20'

“Drawer 10” comes before “Drawer 2”, which is obviously not what I want. Using strcasecmp() as the sort function on the above array wouldn’t change it, but using strnatcasecmp() gives the required result:

$array = array(
        'id' => 265,
        'name' => 'Drawer 1'
        'id' => 806,
        'name' => 'Drawer 2'
        'id' => 971,
        'name' => 'Drawer 10'
        'id' => 429,
        'name' => 'Drawer 20'

PHPFlickr and SSL/HTTPS – certificate issues on local Windows development server

We use PHPFlickr, which is a very handy PHP wrapper for the Flickr API, in CSlide. Recently, Flickr announced that they are making their API SSL only (on June 27th 2014), and PHPFlickr was updated accordingly. However, I could not get it to work on my local XAMPP development server, running on Windows 8. I initially assumed it was an issue with the changes to the PHPFlickr class (as it had previously worked fine), but, after much debugging, found that the problem was that CURL (which is used to make the requests to the API) could not verify Flickr’s SSL certificate. This is because CURLs default behaviour is to not trust any Certificate Authorities (CAs).

The solution is to give CURL a bundle of trusted CA certificates, which can be download from the CURL site. You can tell CURL about this bundle by setting the path to the CA bundle file in php.ini (and remembering to restart Apache afterwards). Adding this at the end of php.ini did the trick for me, but obviously change the path according to your own setup:


You can also point CURL at the CA bundle when setting up your curl connection, using curl_setopt to set CURLOPT_CAINFO to the full path to your CA bundle file. I didn’t want to do this with PHPFlickr, as it would involve changing the core PHPFlickr code, which would inevitably cause problems when that code gets updated:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "c:\xampp\php\cacert.pem");

Note that one bad solution that was commonly suggested was to set CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER to false, which, as the name suggests, stop CURL from trying to verify the certificate. As rmckay says in the curl_setopt docs, this allows man in the middle attacks, so should be avoided!

Eclipse: Adding File Associations

We regularly write PHP, using the CakePHP framework, in Eclipse (Juno, with PHP Development Tools (PDT)). The view template files in CakePHP have the .ctp extension, which Eclipse does not, by default, recognise as PHP files, so you do not benefit from any of the helpful Eclipse PHP tools. However, you can add an association (i.e. tell Eclipse that .ctp files are PHP files), as follows:

  1. Go to Window > Preferences to open the Preferences box
  2. Go to General > Content Types in the menu
  3. In the Content types box, expand Text and select “PHP Content Type”
  4. Click “Add”
  5. Type “.ctp” in the box that appears and click OK
  6. Click OK to close the Preferences box

Note that you will have to close and then reopen any .ctp files that are already open in order for them to be recognised as PHP files.

Eclipse: Changing Project Type

I’ve just added a new project from an existing location in Eclipse Juno, and for some reason it wouldn’t let me create it as a PHP project. Instead, I had to just create it as a general project. Having done this, it is fairly easy to convert it to a PHP Project, by doing the following:

  1. Open the .project file for the new (non-PHP) project in a text editor
  2. Open a .project file for an existing PHP project (or, if you haven’t got an existing PHP project, create one in your workspace and use the .project file from that)
  3. Copy the <buildSpec> and <natures> sections from the PHP .project file (from 2. above) to the .project file for the project that you want to change to a PHP project (from 1. above)
  4. Save the new modified .project file and refresh the workspace
  5. The general project should now be a PHP project

The .project file for my PHP projects looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

CakePHP not saving to new field on production server

I wasted a few hours on Saturday morning struggling with the fact that CakePHP on my production server refused to save to a newly added field on a table in my database, while everything worked beautifully on my dev server. After hours of debugging on the live server I suddenly remembered that, with:
Configure::write('debug', 0);
in core.php, as it should be on a production system, Cake uses the cached model definitions in tmp\cache\models and would therefore ignore any changes in the underlying database until these were refreshed. Simply either:

  1. Change temporarily to Configure::write('debug', 2); and then run your code before changing it back again or;
  2. Delete the contents of tmp\cache\models

and it will pick up your new field.

Timezone problems/ time offset in PHP under IIS/Windows

We’ve been struggling for a while now with an unexplained three hour offset in log files and error messages created by QuestionMark Perception – commercial software which runs under PHP on IIS. I thought it would worth sharing a few gotchas in trying to pin down what was causing the problem:

1. Make sure you are looking for the


setting in the correct php.ini file (there are usually at least two) – you can identify which is being used by looking in IIS Manager | PHP Manager under ‘PHP Settings’ | ‘Configuration file’.

2. Use phpinfo to check what timezone PHP is reporting. You can either use the function –


– in an otherwise empty php page or by choosing IIS Manager | PHP Manager and then under ‘PHP Setup’, choose ‘Check phpinfo()’.

3. Be aware that the windows PHP installer adds a section at the end of the php.ini file: 


. A date.timezone setting in this section will override any earlier date.timezone settings.

4. If you make any changes to php.ini, you will need to restart IIS in order for them to be picked up. At the command prompt, type


or use IIS Manager.

5. If it’s your own code you can override the value in php.ini with:


This is useful if you can’t restart IIS on e.g. a production server.

The Basics of writing a Basic LTI Tool Provider

I hope this will be helpful for anyone just getting started with (Basic) LTI and wanting to create their first Tool Provider. Apologies for any abuse/misuse of the terminology – this is just how I understand it. To recap the two halves of an LTI launch:

Tool Consumer (TC) = An LTI-enabled VLE/LMS/other system that can make an LTI launch request. Generally (or at least the way we are using it), the TC manages user accounts/passwords, so that the Tool Provider doesn’t have to.
Tool Provider (TP) = an external tool that receives an LTI request from a TC and uses the launch data to work out what the user is able to see/do within the tool.

Useful links

I found the following useful when getting to grips with LTI and creating my first TP (in PHP):

Thanks of course to Dr Chuck and the rest of the LTI community for developing this specification and the above Classes, Tools and Tutorials.

Basic Implementation

The PHP Basic LTI class makes it very easy to do the LTI/OAuth bit of the TP. Here’s my pseudo-PHP code for the basic process:

//All of the LTI Launch data gets passed through in $_REQUEST
if(isset($_REQUEST['lti_message_type'])) {    //Is this an LTI Request?

    //We store oauth_consumer_key and secret pairs in our database, so we look the secret up here, but it can just be hard-coded (especially for testing)
    $secret = [secret];

    //Get BLTI class to do all the hard work (more explanation of these below)
    // - first parameter is the secret, which is required
    // - second parameter (defaults to true) tells BLTI whether to store the launch data is stored in the session ($_SESSION['_basic_lti_context'])
    // - third parameter (defaults to true) tells BLTI whether to redirect the user after successful validation
    $context = new BLTI($secret, true, false);

    //Deal with results from BLTI class 
    if($context->complete) exit(); //True if redirect was done by BLTI class
    if($context->valid) { //True if LTI request was verified
     //Let the user in
else { //Not an LTI request, so either don't let this user in, or provide another way for them to authenticate, or show them only public content

Just to further explain the parameters passed when instantiating the BLTI class, the first argument is the secret, which is required and would usually be a string. Alternatively, you can pass through an associative array of database information (e.g. ‘table’ => ‘lti_keys’, ‘key_column’ => ‘oauth_consumer_key’), and the BLTI class will look up the secret from the database.

The second argument (true by default) tells the BLTI class whether to store the launch data in the session (from which it can be retrieved using $_SESSION[‘_basic_lti_context’]) and whether to try to automatically retrieve any stored LTI launch data if someone tries to access a tool without coming in through LTI. This means that if a user has initially come to a tool through LTI, then closes the browser tab containing the tool, and then goes directly back to the tool, without coming through LTI, as long as their session has not expired they will be allowed back into the tool, even though have not come through LTI. I would generally recommend keeping this as true, as I think this would usually be useful behaviour.

The third argument (true by default, but I generally set it to false) tells the BLTI class whether to do the redirect or not after validation of the request. Setting this to false will prevent it from doing the redirect.

I hope this is helpful. My understanding is pretty (cheap pun alert!) basic, so I would welcome any thoughts, queries, suggestions or corrections.

For further information/discussion of LTI, and how we have used it to allow access to our iCases system through WebLearn (our VLE), please see these posts:

CakePHP Session data being lost on redirect

Having successfully enabled access using LTI to a local version of iCases – see – I got it set up on a live server, assuming that it would work without any trouble. However, I was unable to login successfully through WebLearn, which is our Tool Consumer.

It turned out that this was due to the session data being lost when redirecting from the login page within the CakePHP app to the scenario page. Authentication using LTI relies on session data, as the LTI context information is saved to the session. Therefore, when the session data was lost, the app could no longer tell that the user had accessed it through a valid LTI request, and so the user was denied access.

I fixed this by changing Security.level in core.php to ‘low’ (it had previously been medium). From the CakePHP docs, this increases the multiplier for the ‘Session.timeout’ value (from 100 to 300) and disables (or, to be pedantic, does not enable) PHP’s session.referer_check. It seems to be the latter that was the problem. However, in the php.ini file we have ‘session.referer_check = ‘, which should mean that session.referer_check is not enabled anyway. So I am not sure why changing the security level had an effect, unless setting the Security.level to medium enables session.referer_check, even if it was not already enabled.

As far as I can tell from reading around, disabling session.referer_check should not cause any problems, as it is only possible to access the LTI-ed iCases through WebLearn. Checking that the LTI launch is valid includes checking that the launch request has come from a valid location.