Maths with QTI – Modifying assessment.xml (for Assessments created in Uniqurate)

To date, I have only created assessments in Uniqurate, so the items in this post just refer to a couple of things I have needed to modify in the assessment.xml (which exists at the top level of the assessment zip file) file to get the assessments working properly.


Control whether feedback is shown when reviewing (showFeedback), and whether the user can view the solution (showSolution). The solution is defined by using setCorrectResponse in the templateProcessing. The itemSessionControl tag can be contained within testPart, assessmentSection or assessmentItemRef (individual assessment item) blocks.

<itemSessionControl showFeedback="true" allowReview="true" showSolution="true" />

Test Feedback

For assessments created in Uniqurate, the total (i.e max score) for an assessment seems to be calculated by summing the max scores for each of the individual questions in the assessment, even if it is set up so that questions are repeated. Therefore, as a very simple example, if an assessment has a single section containing a single question, but “Number of questions to choose from section” is set to 2 and “Repeat questions” is switched on, the total/max score for the assessment is set to 1, when it should in fact be 2. This can be fixed by editing the testFeedback section of the xml. Just change the value in the last set of span tags to adjust the maximum score:

<testFeedback identifier="TEST_FB" showHide="show" outcomeIdentifier="TEST_FEEDBACK" access="atEnd">
     <div>You have reached the end of the test. Your total score was <printedVariable format="%.1f" identifier="TEST_total"/> out of <span class="uqfeedbackvar total">2</span>. </div>

Note that this example is taken from the default Uniqurate output, you can of course define your own feedback, displaying any of the variables defined in the outcomeProcessing section of the assessment.xml file.

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