Just a quick note to remind me, and let anyone else who tries to do this know, how to access the unique id (uuid) of a page or paragraph, and details about the current user in a JSP page in Magnolia CMS. We are watching to save, via AJAX, information about how students use pages and paragraphs (in particular self-test question paragraphs) within our Magnolia installation, and need these details in order to do this.
Displaying the node/page/paragraph ID
If you put this code in a page template, it will show you the unique ID for the page. If you put it in a paragraph template it will show you the unique id for that paragraph. These IDs do not change when you move a page, or a paragraph within a page.
<cms:out nodeDataName="uuid" var="uuid" /> <p>${uuid}</p>
Displaying the name of the current user
<jsp:scriptlet> String user = (info.magnolia.context.MgnlContext.getUser().getName()).toString(); out.println("<p>" + user + "</p>"); </jsp:scriptlet>