Copying Arrays (and Objects) in Javascript

This is a bit of an amateur mistake, but I definitely wasn’t the first person to make it and I suspect I won’t be the last. I had a JavaScript array that I wanted to copy, then make some change to the copy, so that I could access the original and the modified copy. Therefore, being used to PHP, I did the following, assuming it would make a ‘proper’ copy of the original:

var original = [1,2,3];  //Define original array
var copy = original;     //Attempt to copy original
copy[2] = 4;             //Modify the copy
alert(original[2]);      //Hoped for 3, got 4

I’d created a reference to the original array, rather than a copy of it. As a result, updating the copy also updated the original.

So, how do I create a copy of an array, rather than a reference. Thankfully, the slice method makes this very easy:

var original = [1,2,3];        //Define original array
var copy = original.slice(0);  //Copy original using slice
copy[2] = 4;                   //Modify the copy
alert(original[2]);            //Got 3 this time

This works fine for simple, one-dimensional arrays, where the array contains only booleans, numbers or strings. If the array is multi-dimensional, i.e. it contains other arrays or objects, then only the top level array will be copied, the arrays/objects it contains will be referenced. Therefore, it is necessary to create a function to do this – this seems to be a good way to do:

Alternatively, use jQuery, and take advantage of the extend method:

var original = {team:"Arsenal"};               //Define original object
var copy = jQuery.extend(true, {}, original);  //Copy original using extend = "Man Utd" ;                        //Modify the copy
alert(;                          //Alerts Arsenal