Items in Journal of Physiology
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Items in Journal of Physiology
'Proceedings of the Physiological Society', 7 (3) (1886), pp. xiii-xvii.
'Proceedings of the Physiological Society', Journal of Physiology 20 (Supplement) (1896), pp. xi-xxii.
A. Ruffini, 'On the Minute Anatomy of the Neuromuscular Spindles of the Cat, and on their Physiological Significance', Journal of Physiology 23 (3) (1898), pp. 190-208.
A.A. Kanthack and W.B. Hardy, 'The Morphology and Distribution of the Wandering Cells of Mammalia', Journal of Physiology 17 (1-2) (1894), pp. 80-119.
A.B. Macallum 'On the Absorption of Iron in the Animal Body', Journal of Physiology 16 (3-4) (1894), pp. 268-318.
A.F. Stanley Kent, 'Researches on the Structure and Function of the Mammalian Heart', Journal of Physiology 14 (4-5) (1893), pp. 233-254.
C.A. Ballance and C.S. Sherrington, 'On Formation of Scar-Tissue', Journal of Physiology 10 (6), (1889), pp. 550-578.
C.A. MacMunn, 'On the Haematoporphyrin of Solecurtus Strigillatus', Journal of Physiology 8 (6) (1887), pp. 384-390.
C.F. Hodge, 'Changes in Ganglion Cells from Birth to Senile Death. Observations on Man and Honey-Bee', Journal of Physiology 17 (1-2) (1894), pp. 128-134.
C.S. Sherrington 'Experimental Note on Two Movements of the Eye', Journal of Physiology 17 (1-2) (1894), pp. 27-29.
C.S. Sherrington, 'Further Note on Degenerations following Lesions of the Cerebral Cortex', Journal of Physiology 11 (4-5) (1890), pp. 399-400.
C.S. Sherrington, 'Note on the Spinal portion of some Ascending Degenerations', Journal of Physiology 14 (4-5) (1893), pp. 255-302.
C.S. Sherrington, 'Notes on the Arrangement of some Motor Fibres in the Lumbo-Sacral Plexus', Journal of Physiology 13 (6) (1892), pp. 621-772.
C.S. Sherrington, 'On Reciprocal Action in the Retina as studied by means of some Rotating Discs', Journal of Physiology 21 (1) (1897), pp. 33-54.
De B. Birch, 'The Constitution and Relations of Bone Lamellæ, Lacunæ, and Canaliculi, and some Effects of Trypsin Digestion on Bone', Journal of Physiology 2 (5-6) (1880), pp. 360-446.
F.C. Eve, 'Sympathetic Nerve Cells and their Basophil Constituent in prolonged Activity and Repose', Journal of Physiology 20 (4-5) (1896), pp. 334-353.
G. Piotrowski, 'On the Muscle-nerve Physiology of the Crayfish especially with regard to Inhibition', Journal of Physiology 14 (23) (1893), pp. 162-197.
G.L. Gulland, 'On the Granular Leucocytes', Journal of Physiology 19 (5-6) (1896), pp. 385-417.
H. Sewall, 'The Development and Regeneration of the Gastric Glandular Epithelium during Foetal Life and after Birth', Journal of Physiology 1 (4-5) (1878), pp. 321-334.
H. Wright, 'The Action of Ether and Chloroform on the Neurons of Rabbits and Dogs', Journal of Physiology 26 (1-2) (1900), pp. 30-41.
I.L. Tuckett, 'On the Structure and Degeneration of Non-Medullated Nerve Fibres', Journal of Physiology 19 (4) (1896), pp. 267-311.
J. Burdon Sanderson and F. Gotch, 'On the Electrical Organ of the Skate', Journal of Physiology 9 (2-3) (1888), pp. 137-166.
J.B. Haycraft, 'Luminosity and Photometry', Journal of Physiology 21 (2-3) (1897), pp. 126-146.
J.N. Langley and H. Sewall, 'On the Changes in Pepsin-forming Glands During Secretion', Journal of Physiology 2 (4) (1879), pp. 281-322.
J.N. Langley, 'On the Changes in Serous Glands during Secretion', Journal of Physiology 2 (4) (1879), pp. 261-322.
J.N. Langley, 'Some Remarks on the Formation of Ferment in the Sub-maxillary Gland of the Rabbit', Journal of Physiology 1 (1) (1878), pp. 68-71.
M. Greenwood and E.R. Saunders, 'On the Rôle of Acid in Protozoan Digestion', Journal of Physiology 16 (5-6) (1894), pp. 441-467.
M. Greenwood, 'On Digestion in Hydra, with some Observations on the Structure of the Endoderm', Journal of Physiology 9 (5-6) (1888), pp. 317-344.
M. Greenwood, 'On Retractile Cilia in the Intestine of Lumbricus Terrestris', Journal of Physiology 13 (3-4) (1892), pp. 239-259.
M. Greenwood, 'On Structural Change in the Resting Nuclei of Protozoa. Part I. The Macronucleus of Carchesium Polypinum', Journal of Physiology 20 (4-5) (1896), pp. 427-454.
M. Greenwood, 'On the Digestive Process in some Rhizopods', Journal of Physiology 7 (3) (1886), pp. 253-273.
M. Greenwood, 'On the Digestive Process in some Rhizopods. Part II.', Journal of Physiology 8 (5) (1887), pp. 263-310.
O.F.F. Grünbaum, 'On Intermittent Stimulation of the Retina (Part I)', Journal of Physiology 21 (4-5) (1897), pp. 396-402.
O.F.F. Grünbaum, 'On Intermittent Stimulation of the Retina (Part II)', Journal of Physiology 22 (6) (1898), pp. 433-450
R. Stockman and E.D.W. Greig, 'The Action of Arsenic on the Bone-Marrow and Blood', Journal of Physiology 23 (5) (1898), pp. 376-382.
R.E. Lloyd, 'On chromatolysis in Deiters' nucleus after hemisection of the cord', Journal of Physiology 25 (3) (1900), pp. 191-195.
T.H. Milroy and J. Malcolm, 'The Metabolism of the Nucleins: Part II. Further observations on excretion in leucocythæmia. Intracellular metabolism in the granular leucocytes', Journal of Physiology 25 (2) (1899), pp. 105-130.
W. Councilman, 'A Contribution to the Study of Inflammation as Illustrated by Induced Keratitis', Journal of Physiology 3 (1) (1880), pp. 76-92.
W. Stirling, 'On Hyperplasia of the Muscular Tissue of the Lungs', Journal of Physiology 1 (1) (1878), pp. 66-108.
W.B. Hardy and L.B. Keng, 'On the Changes in the Number and Character of the Wandering Cells of the Frog induced by the presence of Urari or of Bacillus Anthracis', Journal of Physiology 15 (4) (1893), pp. 361-400.
W.B. Hardy, 'Further Observations upon the Action of the Oxyphil and Hyaline Cells of Frog's Lymph upon Bacilli', Journal of Physiology 23 (5) (1898), pp. 359-375.
W.B. Hardy, 'On the Structure of Cell Protoplasm: Part I', Journal of Physiology 24 (2) (1899), pp. 158-210.
W.B. Ransom, 'On the Cardiac Rhythm of Invertebrata', Journal of Physiology 5 (4-6) (1885), pp. 261-372.
W.B. Ransom, 'On the Influence of Glycerin on the Liver', Journal of Physiology 8 (2) (1887), pp. 99-116.
W.B. Warrington, 'Further Observations on the Structural Alterations Observed in Nerve Cells', Journal of Physiology 24 (6) (1899), pp. 464-478.
W.B. Warrington, 'On the Structural Alterations observed in Nerve Cells', Journal of Physiology 23 (1-2) (1898), pp. 112-129.
W.H. Howell and G.C. Huber, 'A Physiological, Histological and Clinical Study of the Degeneration and Regeneration in Peripheral Nerve Fibres', Journal of Physiology 13 (5) (1892), pp. 335-406
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