- Creation
Date: 25 Jan 1950
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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James Chalmar
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
Charmer, J. Newcastle, Staffs. Report received from L.O. suggesting that this man is unsuitable for any kind of Pottery training. Further minute from this office to the effect that Charmer is already hand painting pottery at his home for local firm and asking L.O. to continue action. No further report received.'
D.E. Clayton
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
CLAYTON, D.E. CHISWICK, Documents originally sent to Edgeware Road E.E. sent to Chiswick E.E. on 19th December, 1949. This man is now at Caterly Park Hostel. No report received from Chiswick.'
J. Dolman
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
DOLMAN, J. MANSFIELD, Report from Mansfield E.E. on 6.12.49 statesthey will reply to this office minute after contact with Dolan.'
Bernard George Edwards
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
Edwards, B.G. ACLE, D.P.1 and covering minute to Acle at end of period. Report expected for next return. Copy of covering minute attached.'
B.W. Fisher
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients previously discharged.
FISHER, B.W. POOLE, R.G.1 completed and sent to Poole E.E. on 14.12.49. Patient subsequently discharged out. No further report received.'
D.J. Funnell
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
FUNNELL, D.J. FOLKSTONE, This case is now taken over by Southern Region Appointments Office. Was interviewed at Hospital by D.R.O. from Appointments Office on 12.1.50 in connection with application for grant towards F.E. & T.
Tom Furness
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients previously discharged.
FURNESS, T. HUDDERSFIELD, D.P.1 and covreing minute to Huddersfiled E.E. on 17.12.49. No report received.'
C.E. George
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
GEORGE, C. BRIGHTON, Minute from Brighton E.E. on 30.11.49 stating that it is difficult to suggest any form of training for which there may be a suitable vacancy after training. Minute from this office to Brighton on 19.12.49 indicating that George would probably be discharged early in February.'
C.H. Harvey
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients previously discharged.
HARVEY, C.H..WATFORD, D.P.1 and covering minute to Watford E.E. on 17.12.49. No report received.'
J. Smith to The Manager, Employment Exchange, Acl. 25th Jan. 1950 (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
Edwards, B.G. ACLE, D.P.1 and covering minute to Acle at end of period. Report expected for next return. Copy of covering minute attached.'
F. Kemp
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
KEMP, F. WADHURST, Application under Special Aids Scheme approved by Headquarters. Kep will probably be discharged from hospital in about two weeks.'
Ronald Lawson
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
LAWSON, R. Macclesfield, D.P.1 and covering minute to Macclesfield at end of period - copy of minute attached.'
S. Murphy
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients previously discharged.
MURPHY, S. HACKNEY, Report received on 14.1.50 to the effect that this manis in receipt of sickness benefit and unable to take up employment. Follow-up action will be taken when the man is fit.'
G. Newman
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
NEWMAN, G. ROMFORD, On 10.12.49 .'a minute was received from Romford suggesting that Newmanshould be asked to complete G.T.C. test paper. The doctor in charge of this case has been consulted but he states that Newman is not yet fit enough to be confronted with such a paper.'
Anthony Sparrow
Description:'An interesting case is that of Anthony Sparrow, a paraplegic, who after a long period in hospital was found employment as a clerk with the Bucks Agricultural Executive Committee. He continued in this employment for about two years when, as a result of an audition and subsequent appearance in the Radio Show "Opportunity Knocks", he was offered employment as a Music Hall Artist with Joe E. Brown. He followed this type of work for approximately six months but could not continue owing to his disability. Local employers were canvassed and he has now been placed with Messrs Air Trainers Ltd., Aylesbury who, by transferring an employee to another job, were able to find him employment as a Stores Record Clerk. He commenced his duties on 2nd January, 1950 and the employers have given a satisfactory report of his progress.'