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Sent From (Definite): J. SmithDate: 25 Jan 1950
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Bernard George Edwards
Description:'Disabled Persons ((Employment) Act, 1944.
Paraplegics: M.L.C.C.139 Para. 2354
Mr. Bernard George EDWARDS.
Forwarded herewith is form D.P.1 relative to the above-named who was a patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital from August, 1947 until the 22nd December, 1949.
Although the first interview took place on the 21st December, 1949 the D.P.1 was not received at this office until the 17th Janueary, 1950 and on visiting the hospital for second interview it was learned that the man had been discharged in order to be home for Christmas. It is possible that he may have to return to hospital for further treatment in the near future.
Mr. Edwards is an ex-Regular Soldier having joined the forces in 1931. He was the victim of gunshot wounds and was finally discharged from the forces in January, 1946 when he entered a hospital at Leatherhead where he remained until April, 1946.
He went to his home from Leaherhead and was under medical care until August, 1947, when he was sent to Stoke Mandeville Hospital for further treatment.
Whilst discussing the question of employment, Edwards said that owing to his disability he would be unable to take up full-time employment but would like, if possible, to be found some part-time job where he could go if he felt fit enough to do so.
He added that he thought he could get work under these conditions with (a) The Cantley Sugar Beet Factory, or (b) Mr. Pettitt's Poultry Farmer, Readham.
Mr. Edwards expressed a wish that the D.R.O. might make it convenient to call on him at his home owing to the difficulty of transport. As a result of his injury Mr. Edwards is paralysed in both legs.
In conclusion, it is pointed out that the Doctor's report shows that this man will not be fit for work until March 1950.
J. Smith. D.R.O.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
Edwards, B.G. ACLE, D.P.1 and covering minute to Acle at end of period. Report expected for next return. Copy of covering minute attached.'