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Cited by
H. Tomlinson to F. Dobson, 'Paraplegics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital,' 17th Jan. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
G. Newman Still in hospital. Proabable date of discharge January, 1950. ? Training in draughtsmanship.'
Cited by
J. Smith and C.W. Holland, Narrative Report - MLCC.139.Para.2361. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients discharged between 19.2.50 to 18.3.50.
NEWMAN, G. ROMFORD. This man has been discharged to the Lime Green Red Cross Settlement near Macclesfield and Romford Employment Exchange have been asked to transfer documents to Macclesfield Employment Exchange.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
NEWMAN, G. ROMFORD, On 10.12.49 .'a minute was received from Romford suggesting that Newmanshould be asked to complete G.T.C. test paper. The doctor in charge of this case has been consulted but he states that Newman is not yet fit enough to be confronted with such a paper.'