- Creation
Creators (Definite): C.W. Holland; J. SmithDate: 21 Mar 1950
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(7) & (8) BATTEN and THOMPSON have returned to the Duchess of Gloucester House in Isleworth.'
Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(5) & (6) PYE and BEDDOWS have returned to Chaseley Convalescent Home. Both are very sick men and unfit for emplowment. BEDDOWS is confined to bed by PYE is very interested in the breeding of Budgerigars asnd an aviary has been provided for him in the grounds of the Home.'
James Chalmar
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
CHARMAR, J. NEWCASTLE, STAFFS. Copy of minute dated 23.2.50 received from Hanley Employment Exchange is attached.'
D.E. Clayton
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
CLAYTON, D.E. CHISWICK. In view of the position at date of last report placing action is delayed until Clayton's employment position is settled.'
Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(1) COFFEY is employed as supervisor examiner for Smith's Crisps Ltd.'
Bernard George Edwards
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
EDWARDS, B.G. ACLE. Minutes sent to Acle Employment Exchange on 17.2.50 and 4.3.50 asking for progress report have not been acknowledged.'
B.W. Fisher
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
FISHER, B.W. POOLE. Minute to Poole Employment Exchange on 4.3.50 asking for progress report not later than 18.3.50. No reply received.'
Tom Furness
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
FURNESS, T. HUDDERSIELD. No further report received. from Spen Valley E.E.'
Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(4) GRIMSHAW is employed at home on clock assempbly for the Enfield Clock Co.'
Albert E. Hambledon
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients discharged between 19.2.50 to 18.3.50.
HAMBLETON [sic], A.E. WILLESDEN. D.P.1. and covering minute to Employmenr Exchange, Willesden (copy attached). Progress report should be received in time for inclusion in next monthly report.'
Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(2) HARRIS is employed at home on leatherwork.'
C.H. Harvey
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
HARVEY, D.E. WATFORD. No further report received.'
Major R.A. Harvey
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients still in Hospital.
HARVEY, R.A. Major. This patient requested an interview by Appointments Officer and the case was referred to Reading Appointments Office. An interview was arranged with the Appointments Office D.R.O., which took place on the 15th March, 1950. D.P.1. was completed and dispatched to Appointments Office on the same day.'
Description:'The Hospital Authorities have agreed to give details regarding the check-up cases who left hospital without being interviewed by the D.R.O. The following information relates to the eight cases discharged during the period under review.
(3) JONES does clock repairs from his home.'
F. Kemp
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
KEMP, F. WADHURST. Notification received from Regional Office on 25.2.50 to the effect that kit of tools would be delivered. to Kemp's home on 1.3.50 and that D.D.R.O. and Training Officer would be in attendanceto assist with installation. (Registered File S.3118/1949 refers). No further report received.'
Ronald Lawson
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients discharged between 19.2.50 to 18.3.50.
LAWSON, R. MACCLESFELD. Discharged to Lime Green Red Cross Settlement and a report may be expected from Employment Exchange, Maccesfield in time for next report.'
S. Murphy
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
MURPHY, S. HACKNEY. Information received from Hackney Employment Exchange shows that Murphy has been visited and he had applied for 'B' Licence to go into business with a relation who owned a lorry. The application was rejected and the lorry has now been sold. This man returned to hospital on 30.1.50 and again returned home on 15.2.50. The doctor stated that his return to hospital was necessitated for minor adjustment to surgical fitment. No further report has been reveived from Hackney.'