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Cited by
H. Tomlinson to F. Dobson, 'Paraplegics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital,' 17th Jan. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
F. Kemp An application under special aids scheme to enable this man to set up in boot and shoe repairing has now been approved by Headquarters.'
Cited by
J. Smith and C.W. Holland, Narrative Report - MLCC.139.Para.2361. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
KEMP, F. WADHURST. Notification received from Regional Office on 25.2.50 to the effect that kit of tools would be delivered. to Kemp's home on 1.3.50 and that D.D.R.O. and Training Officer would be in attendanceto assist with installation. (Registered File S.3118/1949 refers). No further report received.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
KEMP, F. WADHURST, Application under Special Aids Scheme approved by Headquarters. Kep will probably be discharged from hospital in about two weeks.'
Cited by
J. Smith, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2361. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Discharged during the month.
Kemp, F. Wadhurst. This man was discharged on the 17th February, [an]d it is understood that the D.D.R,O., Brighton, is arranging for the supply of equipment to enable Kemp to commence business on his own account as a cobbler.'
Cited by
J.A. Small (District Officer, Brighton District Office) to C.W. Holland (The Manager, Aylesbury Employment Exchange), 11th April 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Training and Resettlement of Disabled Persons
KEMP, F. - Burwash.
Your minute of 3rd April has been passed to me by E.M. Wadhurst, the matter having been dealt with by me as Group D.R.O.
A visit was paid to Mr. Kemp on 5th April in company with the Technical Officer, and we are both unhappy regarding the case. The bench and equipment (with the exception of 4 small items not yet delivered) were installed in Mr. Kemp's house on 1st March, and by 5th April he had only done about six small jobs (heeling) and had so far done no soling. r Kemp will do no advertising by means of a card in his window or a small board in the front garden as he says he doesn't like the idea. In view of the fact that Burwash is a small village surrounded by other small villages, each of which already boasts a boot and shoe repairer, it is difficult to see how Mr. Kemp will ever secure any appreciable amount of work without some measure of publicity of his own volition.
It is significant that when I arrived at Mr. Kemp's house he was not boot-repairing but rug-making. A further visit will be paid in early May to see what, if any, progress has been made.'