- Creation
Creator (Definite): J. SmithDate: 22 Feb 1950
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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James Chalmar
Description:'Charmar, J. Newcastle, Staffs. Documents transferred by Newcastle to Hanley E.E. No further information available at the moment.'
D.E. Clayton
Description:'Clayton, D.E. Chiswick. Has requested that question of employment be left in abeyance until he can get special wheel chair for use with his car. Further he is not available for employment as he is still on the Suerannuation Staff of the Paddington Borough Council and the question of continued employment with the Council is under consideration.'
B.W. Fisher
Description:'Fisher, B.W. Poole. Detailed report on this case already forwarded to R.O. direct by Poole E.E.'
Tom Furness
Description:'Furness, T. Huddersfield. Documents transferred by Huddersfield to Spen Valley E.E. Report received from Spen Valley to the effect that they are uable to suggest any employer who would be prepared to accept responsibility for this type of case as he would require too much attention for natural causes.
This man has acute domestic troubles in that his wife left him 2 years ago and he has eleven children whose ages range from 3 to 16 years. The oldest child, a daughter, acts as mother to the other members of the family.
His personal allowances are:-
Unemployability and Pension: £8 - 7 - 0
Family Allowances (7 @ 5/-) £1 - 15 - 0
Three boys are working and earning wages but their earnings are not disclosed.
This case is being closely watched by the I.O. concerned.'
C.H. Harvey
Description:'Harvey, C.H. Watford. Whilst appreciating the kindly interest of the Department in his case he is at the moment content to undertake the little "house-work" provided by Smiths''
F. Kemp
Description:'Discharged during the month.
Kemp, F. Wadhurst. This man was discharged on the 17th February, [an]d it is understood that the D.D.R,O., Brighton, is arranging for the supply of equipment to enable Kemp to commence business on his own account as a cobbler.'
H. Tomlinson
Description:'Tomlinson, H. Haverhill. Application for Resettlement Grant admitted, Soldiers Help Society is arranging for purchase of necessary tools. Erection of work bench in living room of house approved by Council and work completed. Mr. Tomlinson will be working on his own account and it is understood that plenty of work will be supplied by local firm.'