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Cited by
H. Sidley (Disablement Resettlement Officer, Employment Exchange, Hanley) to C.W. Holland (The Manager, Employment Exchange, Aylesbury). 23rd Feb. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:Resettlement of Paraplegics.
James Chalmar.
37 Mount Pleasant, Etruria Stoke-on-Trent.
The above case was transferred to this office on 16th February, 1950.
A visit was made on the 17th February, and little more than taking stock of the case was done.
It will be difficult to resettle Mr. Chalmar in employment, as for several reasons he is now homebound. He cannot use his motor chair and has applied to the Ministry of Pensions for an exchange to a hand propelled chair (push amd pull). The district being of a hilly character, his range of travelling will be strictly limited.
Other approaches are being made, one to the organization known as the "Round Table".
Unfortunately, Remploy Limited have no work schemeoperating in this district although there are three small factories. One is, however, under contemplation and it is considered that failing his ability to travel to the factory, a matter of about two miles but hilly, he will have to wait for suitable homework.
The information contained in your letter dated 19th December 1949, regarding Pottery Painting is incorrect, apparently the Polish Doctor misunderstood. The occupation is highly skilled and unsuitable for homework, and indeed for anyone without artistic tendancies.
Everyhing possible is being done, but up to the present without positive results.
H. Sidley,
Disablement Resettlement Officer.
23rd February 1950.
Cited by
H. Tomlinson to F. Dobson, 'Paraplegics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital,' 17th Jan. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
G. Newman Still in hospital. Would like to be trained in pottery industry.'
Cited by
I.O. Report of 25th January in Accordance with Paragraph 2361 of M.I.C.C.13[9] on Paraplegics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital (LAB 20/123).
Description:'J. Charmer
Newcastle, Staffs.
'Why does home I.C. think this man is unsuitably for any kind of better training in view of the fact that he is already handpainting pottery at his home for a local firm? Is there any suggestion that it is his disability which would make him unable to take up training?'
Cited by
J. Smith and C.W. Holland, Narrative Report - MLCC.139.Para.2361. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details given below show the current position of cases which have been interviewed by the Aylesbury D.R.O.
Patients previously discharged
CHARMAR, J. NEWCASTLE, STAFFS. Copy of minute dated 23.2.50 received from Hanley Employment Exchange is attached.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients discharged under period under review.
Charmer, J. Newcastle, Staffs. Report received from L.O. suggesting that this man is unsuitable for any kind of Pottery training. Further minute from this office to the effect that Charmer is already hand painting pottery at his home for local firm and asking L.O. to continue action. No further report received.'
Cited by
J. Smith, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2361. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Charmar, J. Newcastle, Staffs. Documents transferred by Newcastle to Hanley E.E. No further information available at the moment.'
Cited by
M. Smith (Manager, Employment Exchange, Hanley) to C.W. Holland (Manager, Employment Exchange, Aylesbury), 11th Apr. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Since the date of the last report in Mr. Charmer several visits have been made with a view to his ultimate satisfactory resettlement.
In connection with both Mr. Charmer and his wife the Hanley D.R.O. elicited the information that they have now decided not to obtain either full or part-time employment with an employer.
His wife is in full time employment as an assistant nurse at a nearby hospital: she works all day periods and arrives home at 3 pm. each day.
Mr. Charmer attends to the small household duties and by using a mop and duster is able from his chair to do the small household duties necessary in a small bungalow. He also cooks the main meal which is ready when his wife arrives home.
These duties are considered by them both to be his contribution towards his work in life and as their joint weekly income is in the region of £9.10.- financial needs do not adversely affect them. Their rent and rates are 14/44 per week.
He is, however, interested in Occupational Therapy and to this end an application for a hand loom has been made on his behalf to the St.John and Red Cross After Care Department.
He has also been issued with a Motor Car by the Ministry of Pensions and most of his spare time is spent in learning to drive.
In view of the foregoing the case is considered closed as far as resettlement is concerned until a home working scheme or other opportunity for home work should arise. Do you agree?'