- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): H. TomlinsonSent To (Definite): F. DobsonDate: 17 Jan 1950
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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James Chalmar
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
G. Newman Still in hospital. Would like to be trained in pottery industry.'
D.E. Clayton
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
D.E. Clayton Discharged to Caterly Park Hostel on 15/12/49. January report from home D.R.O. should show position.'
J. Dolman
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
J. Dolman Still in hospital. Would like to set up in hire car business, ? in partnership with brother-in-law.'
B.W. Fisher
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
B.W. Fisher Applying for R.G. to set up in radio repairs.'
D.J. Funnell
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
D.J. Funnell Still in hospital. Has he been interviewed by R.A.O. with a view to F.E.& T. grant?'
Tom Furness
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
T. Furness Left hospital 19/12/49, ? Bench assembly job.'
C.E. George
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
C.E. George Still in hospital. Would like training after discharge.'
C.H. Harvey
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
C.H. Harvey Left hospital 19/12/49. Living at Kyte's Estate, Watford. Will carry on Smith clock assembly in own home.'
F. Kemp
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
F. Kemp An application under special aids scheme to enable this man to set up in boot and shoe repairing has now been approved by Headquarters.'
S. Murphy
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
S. Murphy Left hospital 17/11/49. Next report from home L.O. should state position.'
G. Newman
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
G. Newman Still in hospital. Proabable date of discharge January, 1950. ? Training in draughtsmanship.'
H. Tomlinson
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
H. Tomlinson Still in hospital. Applying for resettlement grant to set up business of watch and clock repairing.'