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Cited by
H. Tomlinson to F. Dobson, 'Paraplegics, Stoke Mandeville Hospital,' 17th Jan. 1950. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'I return the correspondence you sent and have noted as follows:
C.E. George Still in hospital. Would like training after discharge.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'Details relating to patients interviewed to date are given below.
Patients still in hospital.
GEORGE, C. BRIGHTON, Minute from Brighton E.E. on 30.11.49 stating that it is difficult to suggest any form of training for which there may be a suitable vacancy after training. Minute from this office to Brighton on 19.12.49 indicating that George would probably be discharged early in February.'