- Born
Date: 1924
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Cited by
'Opportunity Knocks,' Reynolds News, 2 October, 1949.
Description:Notes ‘war-crippled Tony Sparrow, the wheel-chair bound singer, who made the studio audience weep at his courage’ among the show's contestants.
Cited by
'The Nuffield Centre,' The Times, 5th Nov. 1952, p. 11.
Description:'1000th Variety Show
Since 1943, with only a short break at the time of the King's death, there has been a variety show twice a week at the Nuffield Centre, which is now in Adelaide Street, near the Strand. Yesterday the 1000th performance was given... Mr. Ted Ray, recently back from entertaining the troops in Korea, was there to compere the show and introduce the other artists. Miss Vera Lynn, Mr. Jimmy Edwards, Mr. Leslie Randall, Mr. Robert O'Connor, Mr. Francis Cassell, and Mr. Tony Sparrow made up the bill and gave of their best. It was an evening of affability and good humour... The show was televised, and, though it must have broadcast far and wide an excellent entertainment, no audience could have enjoyed it more than the representatives of the services.'
Cited by
Interim Report on Paraplegic Cases for Conference, 15th February 1945 (LAB 20/123)
Description:'T. Sparrow
Ward: 1x
Previous occupation: Sales Assistant in Department Store
Vocational [illeg.] suggested: Commercial Art or Photography
[Comments:] - '
Cited by
M. Wiltshire, 'Songs from a Wheelchair', Daily Mail, Tuesday 24th Aug. 1954.
Description:'Tony Sparrow, the wheel-chair singer discovered by Wilfred Pickles, made his solo début before an audience at the Granada, East Ham, last night.
Sparrow, who is 30, was introduced to listeners in the "Have a Go!" programme in January when he sang the song "Answer Me."
Immediately scores of letters were sent to the B.B.C. by people who demanded to hear him again.
With Pickles he appeared on television and then toured the provincial theatres with him. A few weeks ago he decided he had sufficient stage confindence to appear on his own.
Sparrow was born in Paddington and served in R.E.M.E. during the war. Soon after the Normandy landings he was blown up by an enemy bomb, almost ten years ago this month. He has been paralysed ever since.'
Cited by
J. Smith and H. Clark, Narrative Report - MLCC.139. Para.2631. Paraplegics. Stoke Mandeville Hospital. (LAB 20/123)
Description:'An interesting case is that of Anthony Sparrow, a paraplegic, who after a long period in hospital was found employment as a clerk with the Bucks Agricultural Executive Committee. He continued in this employment for about two years when, as a result of an audition and subsequent appearance in the Radio Show "Opportunity Knocks", he was offered employment as a Music Hall Artist with Joe E. Brown. He followed this type of work for approximately six months but could not continue owing to his disability. Local employers were canvassed and he has now been placed with Messrs Air Trainers Ltd., Aylesbury who, by transferring an employee to another job, were able to find him employment as a Stores Record Clerk. He commenced his duties on 2nd January, 1950 and the employers have given a satisfactory report of his progress.'