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Anthony Sparrow
Description:Notes ‘war-crippled Tony Sparrow, the wheel-chair bound singer, who made the studio audience weep at his courage’ among the show's contestants.
Cited by
S. Holmes, '‘You Don't Need Influence … All You Need is Your First Opportunity!’: The Early Broadcast Talent Show and the BBC', Critical Studies in Television 9 (1) (2014), pp. 23-42.
Description:'certain contestants clearly did emerge from the early Opportunity Knocks... - known names at the time (the BBC stated that of the 160 acts showcased, 22 received professional offers), such as the accordionist Gwenda Wilkinson from London, or the comedian Jonny Wilkins from Devon, although the majority of successful contestants were singers. These included Clive Wayne, a ‘crooner ’ from Newcastle, who obta ined a record contract with HMV, singer Archie Higgs, a plasterer from Tooting, who sang to an audience of 6000 at Empress Hall, Earl’s Court, or ‘war-crippled Tony Sparrow, the wheel-chair bound singer, who made the studio audience weep at his courage’. [note: 'Reynolds News, 2 October, 1949. BBC Press clippings on Opportunity Knocks.'] Such contestants did receive coverage in the popular press which largely appeared to be favourable,with the amateur talent show initially seen as a useful mechanism for finding‘fresh talent for the light entertainment business’. [note: 'Ibid.']' (7-8)