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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 15 May 1931
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Brighter Homes Exhibition (Manchester, 1931).
Description:‘The “Miniature Dog Show,” which Spratt’s Patent Ltd. are staging at the Brighter Homes Exhibition, Manchester, each day, is being well patronised by visitors, and the interest they have taken in the various breeds truly emphasises the love of all Britishers for the canine race.
The great attraction this week was the exhibit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’s Alsatian dog, Claus of Seale, when [sic] practically every visitor to the exhibition made a point of seeing him. To Mrs. Howard, who has the care of this dog, special thanks are due. The thanks of Spratt’s Patent Ltd. is also extended to the ladies and gentlemen who have so readily responded to invitations to exhibit their valuable and in many cases champion dogs, and breeders in general should recognise the great propaganda work these people have performed in educating the public in the good points of the various dogs.
Several inquiries for puppies were made, and sales of dogs were effected at the Exhibition. The exhibitors all spoke in praise of the kennels, bedding, and feeding of the dogs.’ -
Spratt's Patent Ltd.
Description:‘The “Miniature Dog Show,” which Spratt’s Patent Ltd. are staging at the Brighter Homes Exhibition, Manchester, each day, is being well patronised by visitors, and the interest they have taken in the various breeds truly emphasises the love of all Britishers for the canine race.’
Quoted by
T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'Dogs at [ideal home] shows were similarly reported on in terms of their elite associations, whether with their owners or as canine “aristocrats” in their own right. For Our Dogs, the “great attraction” at the 1931 Manchester Brighter Homes Exhibition was “H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’s Alsatian dog, Claus of Seale.” [note: '“Manchester Brighter Homes Exhibition,” Our Dogs, no. 83 (15 May 1931): 464.']' (310)