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Organised by (Definite): The Daily Dispatch (Manchester)Date: From 6 to 21 May 1931
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'Brighter Homes Exhibition', Our Dogs (8th May, 1931), p. 386.
Description:‘One of the most interesting exhibits at the “Daily Dispatch” Brighter Homes Exhibition which opened at the City Hall, Deansgate, Manchester, on Wednesday, May 6, and continues until Thursday, May 21, was that of Spratt’s Patent, Ltd. On a very varied stand, an excellent and varied display of their celebrated dog foods suitable for every breed was to be found. The daily exhibitions of various winning pedigree dogs and champions of over 30 different breeds (five or six different breeds being shown each day) created a tremendous amount of interest amongst the public. It is anticipated, in consequence of displays such as these, that new recruits will join the army of dog breeders and exhibitors at dog shows.'
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'Manchester Brighter Homes Exhibition', Our Dogs 83 (15th May, 1931), p. 464.
Description:‘The “Miniature Dog Show,” which Spratt’s Patent Ltd. are staging at the Brighter Homes Exhibition, Manchester, each day, is being well patronised by visitors, and the interest they have taken in the various breeds truly emphasises the love of all Britishers for the canine race.
The great attraction this week was the exhibit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales’s Alsatian dog, Claus of Seale, when [sic] practically every visitor to the exhibition made a point of seeing him. To Mrs. Howard, who has the care of this dog, special thanks are due. The thanks of Spratt’s Patent Ltd. is also extended to the ladies and gentlemen who have so readily responded to invitations to exhibit their valuable and in many cases champion dogs, and breeders in general should recognise the great propaganda work these people have performed in educating the public in the good points of the various dogs.
Several inquiries for puppies were made, and sales of dogs were effected at the Exhibition. The exhibitors all spoke in praise of the kennels, bedding, and feeding of the dogs.’ -
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'The Brighter Homes Exhibition, Manchester', Our Dogs 83 (22nd May 1931), p. 553.
Description:‘The exhibition closed its doors on Thursday, the 21st, and from the opening day to the finish Spratt’s exhibition of dogs has always been a big public attraction. Amongst the 32 different breeds shown the public have had the pleasure of seeing twenty champion dogs, also litters of puppies.
Alsatians have been a favourite breed, and the Northern Alsatian club, through the goodwill and support of Mr. Arnold Brotherton, responded handsomely in giving these dogs pride of place at the exhibition. Cocker Spaniels, and both English and Irish Setters, were much admired, and Mr. S.E. Moseley’s Bull Mastiffs were favourably commented on by the public.
These miniature dog shows at exhibitions strike quite a fresh note, both from the breeders’ and general public’s point of view, putting them in touch with one another in a way which is not always available at ordinary dog shows.
The inquiries for dogs and puppies were numerous, and Spratt’s have no doubt made many new friends in Lancashire and cemented the goodwill of their old ones.’