- Creation
Creators (Definite): Sir Charles Scott Sherrington; The Cambridge Engraving CompanyDate: 1893
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Cited by
C.S. Sherrington, 'Note on the Spinal portion of some Ascending Degenerations', Journal of Physiology 14 (4-5) (1893), pp. 255-302.
Description:Fig. 7 in text:
'The right degeneration therefore diminished in size more rapidly between the 10th thoracic and the 5th thoracic roots than did the left degeneration. The part then of the right hand degeneration at 10th thoracic level (Fig. 7) which does not correspond with the left must consist of fibres that do not in so great proportion as do fibres of the rest of it contribute to the formation of Goll's column in the cervical region.' (271)
Fig. 10 in text:
'Microscopical examination. Seat of lesion. A small mass of fibrous tissue continuoous with the dura mater entered as it were the-posterior column and penetrated into it for quite two thirds of its depth. It occupied the entire width of the column passing from the bundles of the entering left hand posterior root to those of the right hand root; it certainly implicated the root bundles in part at least. The portion of the posterior column not inivolved was an area the shape and extent of which is seen in Fig. 10.' (263-264)
'After ascending to near the level of the 3rd cervical nerve the size of the area of degeneration (Fig. 10) is found to have again undergone considerable reduction, especially compared with the large posterior column of these high levels of the cord. It has become diminished in width, so that to it now belongs less than half as much of the free edge of the posterior column as at the level of the 6th thoracic.' (270)