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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 2 Oct 1931
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Spratt's Patent Ltd.
Description:'Following their successful activities at Olympia during the Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition last spring, Spratt's Patent, Limited, are staging another comprehensive and similarly instructive exhibit at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, while the Scottish Ideal Home Exhibition is in progress. The ocassion will enable dog owners in scotland to obtain first-hand advice upon matters which concern the feeding, care, and management of their four-footed pals and other domestic pets.
Spratt's experts will be in daily attendance during this Exhibition, and may be consulted freely upon all manner of "doggy" problems.
The one-dog owner will find much that is of real interest in an exhibit which is designed to reveal something of the amazing scope and extent of Spratt's world-famous organization. The visitor will be shown how Spratt's feed, house, and equipt the greater part of the canine race, and will be able, at the same time, to perceive how the high standards of quality and useful excellence which distinguish Spratt's Meat-Fibrine Dog Foods are manifested in every other branch of Spratt's many-sided activities - in the Kennels and Appliances, the Dog Requisites and Remedies marketed by Spratt's - no less than in the skilful and far-reaching service which Spratt's render to dog owners in the transport, shipment, insurance, quarantine, and boarding of dogs.'
Cited by
T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'In promotional articles, food manufacturers positioned themselves as responsible conveyers of nutritional wisdom to a presumably uninformed lay audience. Our Dogs again reported that visitors “at [London] Olympia… will be given the opportunity of … learning many useful things - that are notat present nearly as widely known or fully understood as they deserve to be - concerning the care of the dog, and the part that is played by this most faithful and intelligent four-legged companion and domestic pet in the proper realisation of the home ideal.” [note: '“The Dog’s Place in the Ideal Home,” Our Dogs, no. 78 (21 March 1930): 785. See also “Good News for Dog Owners,” Our Dogs, no. 85 (2 October 1931): 20; “Brighter Homes Exhibition: Pedigree Dog Section, City Hall, Manchester,” Our Dogs, no. 79 (9 May 1930): 319.']... Exhibitions were an opportunity for pet-food manufacturers to participate in the commercial culture of home-keeping. At the Scottish Ideal Home Exhibitionin Glasgow, Spratt’s emphasized “how the high standards of quality and useful excellence which distinguish Spratt’s Meat-Fibrine Dog Foods are manifested in every other branch of Spratt’s many-sided activities - in the Kennels and Appliances, the Dog Requisites and Remedies marketed by Spratt’s … [and] the transport, shipment, insurance, quarantine, and boarding of dogs.” [note: '“Good News for Dog Owners,” Our Dogs, no. 85 (2 October 1931): 20.']' (310-311)