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Creator (Definite): Dogdom (magazine)Date: Jul 1908
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Canine Nurses' Institute
Description:'Mrs. E. Leuty Collins of England, who sends so many contributions to our Toy dog pages, has recently founded The Canine Nurses' Institute. This is a new departure, even in England, and the following regulations and conditions on which Canine Nurses and Kennel Maids are sent out will prove interesting.
1. The Nurse shall faithfully attend and minister to the sick animal, behaving herself with tact, gentleness and discretion. She shall report any symptoms she may observe to the Veterinary attendant, and shall carry out his directions to the best of her ability. She shall abstain from expressing an opinion upon diagnosis or treatment as beyond the province of a Nurse, referring enquiries upon such subjects to the Veterinary in charge of the case.
2. She shall not divulge any facts which may come to her knowledge with reference to the private affairs of the animals' owners.
3. The Nurse's food shall be plain and good and her meals served separately.
4. The Nurse may not be transferred from one case to another without the knowledge and permission of the Lady Superintendent.
5. The Nurse may not attend the same case continuously for more than two months without special leave of the [335-336] Lady Superintendent, and if permission be given, an extra payment of five shillings per week for the additional term will be required, and such extra term shall not exceed two months.
6. Not less than twenty-four hours' notice of the termination of the Nurse's engagement must be sent by post to the Lady Superintendent.
7. In the event of any irregularity or misconduct on the part of the Nurse, or of any difficulty or dispute, immediate reference should be made to the Lady Superintendent, Mrs. E. Leuty Collins.
The terms upon which nurses are supplied from the Institute are as follows: Ordinary and whelping cases, £1 5s per week. Attendance on operation and operation and nursing for one day or part of one day, 10s 6d. In all infectious cases an additional fee of 5s is charged on the termination of the engagement. Part of a week is charged as a whole week and the above fees are exclusive of traveling expenses. Mrs. Collins is superintendent and secretary and certainly deserves success in this unique undertaking.' (335-336)
Quoted by
T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'Food and feeding enjoyed a prominent place in the professional lives of caninenurses. The rules ridiculed by the Nursing Mirror stipulated that canine nurses, liketheir human counterparts, should themselves partake of food that was “plain and good.” [note: '“Professional Dog Nurses,” Dogdom 9, no. 5 (July 1908): 335–36.']' (303)