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Cited by
E. Leuty Collins and Mrs. Victor Campbell, How to Save Our Dogs (London: Gray's Inn Press, c.1914).
Description:'Praise from the Press:
From Dogdom (U.S.A.) - "We hear that the Canine Nurses' Institute is making great headway. The foundress is receiving letters from all parts for toy dog nurses and much laudation from the Press. The "British Journal of Nursing" and the "Daily Chrinicle," of London have given her an exhaustive article on the subject."
Dogdom (U.S.A.) of June, 1909, says:- "The Canine Nurses' Institute is making great progress, and Principal is arranging a society bazaar and entertainment to take place in London under distinguished patronage. This will be to aid the funds, and to provide a sort of helping probationers [sic] who are not in a position to pay for veterinary training to gain this knowledge from the efforts of the Institute.
"The foundress of the Canine Nurses' Institute, has been invited by the Executive of the Women of All Naitons Exhibition, which is taking place at Olympia in London in September, to hold an important space there which she has accepted. There will be demonstrations given throughout the month in respect to the Canine Nurses' work, and some very beautiful dogs will be at the exhibition."' (88)