- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Max WertheimerSent To (Definite): Albert EinsteinDate: 19 Sep 1922
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Quoted by
E.H. Luchins and A.S. Luchins, 'Introduction to the Einstein-Wertheimer Correspondence', Methodology and Science 12 (3) (1979), pp. 165-202.
Description:Translation from the German by Luchins and Luchins:
'Dear Mr. Einstein:
I am supposed to answer by return mail, and so I request, to entrust somebody else (perhaps also Brinkmann).
I still have thought about it a great deal and yet could not come to another decision. - In the case that you do not entrust somebody else, could you perhaps mention me in your letter to Geneva only as a possible choice? It is only at this moment that I cannot make a definite decision. - By the way, as far as taking care of the involved correspondence etc. is concerned, I would very much like to be in charge of that and, of course, to function as your representative.
Many warm regards and all best wishes!
Your Wertheimer
(Please don't laugh at me too much because of my indecisiveness).' (180)