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Creator (Possible): Sir Thomas MoreDate: 1510
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Quoted by
Walter Pater, Studies in the History of the Rennaissance. 1873.
Description:'a young man fresh from a journey, 'of feature and shape seemly and beauteous, of stature goodly and high, of flesh tender and soft, his visage lovely and fair, his colour white, intermingled with comely reds, his eyes grey, and quick of look, his teeth white and even, his hair yellow and abundant,' and trimmed with more than the usual artifice of the time. It is thus that Sir Thomas More translates the words of the biographer of Pico, who, even in outward form and appearance, seems an image of that inward harmony and completeness, of which he is so perfect an example.' (21-22)
''It is not hard to know God, provided one will not force oneself to define Him':--has been thought a great saying of Joubert's. "Love God," Pico writes to Angelo Politian, "we rather may, than either know Him, or by speech utter Him. And yet had men liefer by knowledge never find that which they seek, than by love possess that thing, which also without love were in vain found.' (25)