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List of named individuals:

William Blake, Goethe, Byron, Sainte-Beuve, Wordsworth, Joachim du Bellay, Pericles, Lorenzo, Winkelmann [1893 text], Francis of Assisi, Boccaccio, Dante, Jean Cousin, Germain Pilon, [Peter] Abelard, Tannhaeuser, Heloise, Michelet, Bernard de Ventadour, Pierre Vidal, M. Fauriel, F.W. Bourdillon  [1893 text], Andrew Lang  [1893 text], Vernon Lee [1893 text], Victor Hugo, Joachim of Flora, Plato, Heinrich Heine, Homer, Moses, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola, Sir Thomas More, Marsilio Ficino, Aristotle, Cosmo de' Medici, Careggi, Sandro Botticelli, Piero di Cosimo, Ficino, Lorenzo de' Medici, Emperor Constantine, Alexander the Sixth, Savranola, Heironymo Beniveni, Camilla Rucellai, Joseph Joubert, Angelo Politian, Beniveni, Charles the Eighth, Lorenzo the Magnificent, Leonardo [da Vinci], Vasari, Andrea del Castagno, Giotto, Matteo Palmieri, Angelico, Orcagna, Brunelleschi, Mino, Maso del Rodario, Donatello, Luca della Robbia, Phidias, Piero de' Medici, Titian, Giovanni da Pisa, Jacopo della Quercia, Cesare Guasti, Vittoria Colonna, Marquess of Pescara, Fancesco d'Ollanda, Simonetta, Cardinal of Portugal, Rossellino, Dürer, M. Arsène Houssaye, Passavant, Francis the First, Piero Antonio, Perugino, Verrocchio, Paracelsus, Cardan, Ludovico Sforza, Alforno, Fra Luca Paccioli, Marc Antonio della Torre, Shakespeare, Salaino, Francesco Melzi, Francis the First, Ginevra di Benci, Lisa Gerardini, Francesco del Giocondo, Francis the First, Lewis the Twelfth, Maître Roux, Ronsard, Jaques Cœur, François Clouet, Hemling, Villon, Rabelais, Remy Belleaux, Antoine de Biaf, Pontus de Tyard, Ettienne Jodelle, Jean Daurat, Joachim du Bellay, Henry the Second, Anne of Brittany, The Queen of Scots, Malherbe, Goudimel, Robert Browning, Rousseau.

Unidentified quotes and citations:

'retaining 'somewhat of the old plenty, in dainty viand and silver vessel'' (25)

'And so, while his actual work has passed away, yet his own qualities are still active, and he himself remains, as one alive in the grave, caesiis et vigilibus oculis, as his biographer describes him, and with that sanguine, clear skin, decenti rubore interspersa, as with the light of morning upon it' (28)

'Amid all the cunning and intricacy of his Lombard manner this never left him. Much of it there must have been in that lost picture of Paradise, which he prepared as a cartoon for tapestry, to be woven in the looms of Flanders.' (58)

'The year 1483—the year of the birth of Raffaelle and the thirty-first of Leonardo's life—is fixed as the date of his visit to Milan by the letter in which he recommends himself to Ludovico Sforza, and offers to tell him, for a price, strange secrets in the art of war.' (61)

'he painted the portraits of Ludovico's mistresses... and Cecilia Galerani the poetess, of Ludovico himself, and the Duchess Beatrice' (63)

'How princely, how characteristic of Leonardo, the answer, Quanto piu, un'arte porta seco fatica di corpo, tanto piu e vile!' (n. on p. 64)

'This curious beauty is seen above all in his drawings, and in these chiefly in the abstract grace of the bounding lines. Let us take some of these drawings, and pause over them awhile; and, first, one of those at Florence—the heads of a woman and a little child... You may note a like pathetic power in drawings of a young man seated in a stooping posture, his face in his hands, as in sorrow; of a slave sitting in an uneasy inclined posture, in some brief interval of rest; of a small Madonna and Child... Take again another head, still more full of sentiment, but of a different kind, a little drawing in red chalk... Another drawing might pass for the same face in childhood... But among the more youthful heads there is one at Florence which Love chooses for its own—the head of a young man, which may well be the likeness of Andrea Salaino.' (65-66)

'it had always been his philosophy to "fly before the storm"' (72)

'Monsieur Lyonard, peinteur du Roy pour Amboyse—so the letter of Francis the First is headed. It opens a prospect, one of the most interesting in the history of art, where, under a strange mixture of lights, Italian art dies away as a French exotic.' (72)

''The time of my youth,' says Du Bellay, 'was lost, like the flower which no shower waters, and no hand cultivates.'' (78)

'A German biographer of Winckelmann has compared him to Columbus.' (95)

'criticism must never for a moment forget that 'the artist is the child of his time.'' (98)

'Athenaeus tells the story of one who, coming to a temple of Latona, had expected to find some worthy presentment of the mother of Apollo, and laughed on seeing only a shapeless wooden figure.' (100)

'the transition from curve to curve is so delicate and elusive, that Winckelmann compares it to a quiet sea, which, although we understand it to be in motion, we nevertheless regard as an image of repose' (109)


Biblical quotations and citations:

'Desire of all nations' (32)

'ex forti dulcedo' Judges 14:14 (41)

'Hers is the head upon which all 'the ends of the world are come,'' I Corinthians 10:11 (70)

'a house not made with hands.' II Corinthians 5:1 (87)

''On execute mal ce qu'on n'a pas concu soi-meme' —words spoken on so high an occasion—are true in their measure of every genuine enthusiasm.' [attr. by Pater to 'Charlotte Corday before the Convention'] (93)

'He makes gods in his own image' see Genesis 1:27 (99)

'rise up with wings as eagles' Isiah 40:31 (99)

'I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in mine hand, and lo, I must die!' I Samuel 14:43 (111)