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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 13 Jul 1921
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Description:‘Dr. Charles J. Smith, of Colnemead, West Drayton, the well-known Fox-terrier breeder, writes to Messrs. Lowe and Sons, of “Carta Carna” fame, as follows: “I have before me a sample of your ‘Vigor,’ and from what I know of its constituents – and, what is better – from the experience I have had with my own bitches, I believe that a really well-formulated food for pregnant and suckling bitches, and also for weaning puppies, has been found. The bitches took it easily, and the puppies later showed their appreciation. The elements of ‘Vigor’ are such as would make a physiological food. It should be fed to bitches during the last five or six weeks of gestation – so laying the foundation of a strong framework for her progeny. At three or four weeks old the puppies are ready to assimilate it, and so greatly relieve their dam.
Dried milk alone is all very well for very young puppies, but it is of little use to the pregnant bitch – still less to youngsters. Moreover, dried milk in itself is not too stable; it is apt to deteriorate by keeping. What is required is something that will build up the frame of the puppy in utero, as well as that frame’s covering. ‘Vigor does this.”'