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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 17 Apr 1931
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Description:‘Airedale whelped five puppies and was despaired of but “after taking MartinMilk both bitch & puppies improved and are now the picture of health” – Mr. E.T. TREE.
Airedales, of which Mr. Tree is owner, are world famous. Mr. Tree has bred and reared an amazing number of Champions, and this is his experience of MartinMilk:
Beloil, Heath Grove,
Nr. Chingford, E. 4.
20th February, 1931.
Dear Sirs,- I have recently used MartinMilk with very remrkable success, and must let you know about it.
Seven weeks ago a very valuable Airedale bitch whelped five puppies. She had such a bad time that we really wondered whether we would save her, and she refused all food except MartinMilk. After taking MartinMilk for a few days both the Bitch and Puppies began to improve, and to-day at seven weeks they are all the very picture of health, and are having MartinMilk daily. – Yours truly,
J.E. Tree (for E.T. Tree).
The all-nourishment milk food for dogs and puppies is MartinMilk. It is equal in strength to the milk of a particularly well-conditioned bitch, and contains the essential vitamins and health-giving proteids. That is why puppies nourished on MartinMilk have strong and clean, healthy blood. Fanciers give MartinMilk to bitches in whelp because they know it is the best way to keep up the strength and vitality of a bitch.
The taste of MartinMilk is both rich and pleasant, and puppies simply lap it up – a great help with bad doers and dainty feeders. This milk food is easy to make and does not form lumps. Just add hot water according to the table on the tin.
Two weeks before whelping, and right through the whelping period, give the bitch MartinMilk morning and evening. The puppies should have their first taste of MartinMilk when three weeks old, and should be weaned at five to six weeks. The foundation of their diet until over-teething should be MartinMilk.
You can but MartinMilk in 1/8 size tins, where you buy your Bob Martin’s tasteless Condition Powders.
Dog Food and Medicine Manufacturers since 1892
SOUTHPORT - - England.’
Quoted by
T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'The proliferation of Lactol and similar foods contributed to a more general reconceptualization of dog feeding as a scientific endeavor. Ads for Spratt’s MaltMilk, Vigor, and MartinMilk all emphasized their chemical nutritional credentials. MartinMilk, for example, claimed that it contained “the essential vitamins and health-giving proteids” for “bad doers and dainty feeders” as well as for young dogs. [note: '“MartinMilk,” Our Dogs, no. 83 (17 April 1931): 177.']' (297)