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'Cooked Food Best for Dogs, Tests Prove', The Edinburg Daily Courier (1st Aug. 1932), p. 2.
Description:'"All dog-lovers will welcome this new light science has shed on a mistaken belief ." declared L.J. Brosemer, director of the Chappel Kennel Foundation, Rockford, Illinois. "It seems to prove beyond question that raw meat is not the best steady diet either for dogs or humans." Changes in food during digestion are caused by mysterious organic compounds called enzymes, which break down the compounds in food, the Chappel Foundation explains. The turning of starches into sugar is a typical example of enzymie action. Raw meat, Dr. Clifford found, contains "anti-enzymes" which directly oppose the digestive process. Heat destroys these properties, so even over-cooked meat is more rapidly digested than raw meat. The sanitary value of cooking meat has long been recognized. All agree that it is one of the greatest safeguards against entry of germs and parasites through the mouth. Tape worm in dogs is almost always contracted from raw meat. "It has been said that because the dog originally was a wild animal, raw meat is his natural diet," says the Chappel Kennel Foundation. "But the dog was domesticated centuries ago, at a time when man himself probably lived chiefly on raw flesh torn from the bones of freshly killed animals. "Science is constantly finding new ways in which the dog's constitution resembles our own. For them, as for us, the ordinary foods are one-sided in composition. One has too much of certain essential 'food elements', and not enough of others. So to get a 'square meal' we have to eat several different articles. "Most people who take an interest in their dog's welfare now buy correctly balanced kennel foods, mixed and canned under government supervision." This is, of course, the safest way, and it is the only way the average person is able to get horse-meat, which is the most perfect meat for dogs. "One meal of a prepared ration in the evening, plus an occasional fresh-meat biscuit or two during the day, and plenty of fresh water, will meet all the dog's dietary requirements for health strength and a well-conditioned coat."'