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J.W. Patton, ‘The Veterinarian and Commercial Dog Foods’, 28 (3) (March 1933), pp. 111-117.
From Mar to Dec 1933
Cited by
J.W. Patton, 'Further Studies on Commercial Dog Foods', Veterinary Medicine 29 (3) (1934), pp. 138-144.
Description:'It is unnecessary to tell veterinarians who Doctor Patton is. However, his articles on commercial dog foods have been discussed so widely outside of the veterinary profession that some breif mention of his training and qualifications for nutritional investigation seems in order. He holds as B.S. degree from the Michigan State College, and an M.S. from the Kansas State College. In addition he has taken special courses at the Michigan and Kansas Colleges and at the Massachusetts State College and Colombia University. His positions with educational institutions and in state work include: Agricultural Extension Service of Texas; Health of Animals Branch, Experiment Farms, Ottowa, Canada; Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, Massachusetts State College; Assistant Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Michigan State College. For six years he has been studying and investigating canine nutrition and during the past two years, he has devoted all his time to that line of investigation. - Editor.' (138)