- Creation
Creators (Definite): William John Gow; Vincent Dormer HarrisDate: 1893
- Current Holder(s)
'Fig. B. Section of a Dog's Pancreas. From a drahwing. Zeiss D. Oc. 4, tube 120 mm.
a, secondary cell mass; b, ordinary alveoli; c, connective tissue framework; d, duct cut across obliquely.' (354)
In text:
'In the dog (fig. B) the alveolar cells are larger than those of the monkey. The differentiation of the cells is usually well marked but the lumen is indistinct. The two zones of the cells are particularly well seen in the gland of the starved animal, for although the stained zone is narrow the contrast is all the more distinct. The cells from the recently secreting pancreas are very distinctly vacuolated and the nuclei are larger and more regular in shape. In sections of the pancreas of the starved dog stained with equal parts of rubin and methyl orange solutions after staining with hammatoxylin, the inner part of the cells is stained of a light brown and the outer of a deep purple-brown. By this method of staining the granular appearance of the inner zone of the cells is particularly well seen, as well as the vacuolation of the cells.' (353-354)
'In the dog (fig. B, a) the secondary cell groups are small and not numerous, buit from their comparatively light staining in haematoxylin contrast very strongly with the remainder of the gland. The frequency of these groups does not seem to differ in different parts of the same gland, since we cut sections of different parts of the gland for the purpose of testing the question. Very often the cells are in form of multinucleated masses, but here and there there is an appearance of the more columnar form.' (360)
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