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Creator (Definite): Karl Emil von SchafhäutlDate: 1854
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Cited by
C.S. Sherrington, 'On Reciprocal Action in the Retina as studied by means of some Rotating Discs', Journal of Physiology 21 (1) (1897), pp. 33-54.
Description:'Rood [note: 'American Journ. of Science, XLVI. p. 173. 1893.'] has recently re-introduced to notice a method of photometry advocated on not very convincing grounds by Schafhäutl [note: 'Universal Vibrations-photometer: Akad. d. Wiss. München, VII. p. 465.'] forty years ago. The method is based on Plateau's [note: 'Dissert. sur quelques propriétés des impressions &c. Liège, 1829.'] research, and proceeds on the well-known relation existing in light-sensations between their intensity and the rate of frequency of repetition required to fuse them.' (34)
Cited by
O.F.F. Grünbaum, 'On Intermittent Stimulation of the Retina (Part I)', Journal of Physiology 21 (4-5) (1897), pp. 396-402.
Description:'When the eye is subjected to an alternation of stimuli of a frequency below a certain limit, the sensation of flicker with the accompanying inference of a discontintuous source of light, is produced.
Schafhäutl [note: Akad. d. Wiss. München VII. p. 465. 1855.'] was the first to note that the limit depended upon the strength of stimulus and utilised the method as a means of measuring luminosity.' (396)