Material concerning illustrations and photographs in physiological literature (c.1860-1920)
Material concerning illustrations and photographs in physiological literature (c.1860-1920)

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Sherrington to Ruffini - 12 September 1896 (WCG 48.1)
Description:'In answer to your letter let me say that I sympathise with your desire to obtain good illustrations in the publication of your work on "nuove forme etc". It will give me pleaseure to be of any help I can. The Royal Society is that of our learned societies which can best afford to publish the expensive illustrations you desire. I am a fellow of the Society & a member of its Committee of Papers. I will - with your permission - propose to the Committee to publish your paper fully illustrated and in Italian text, if you send it... Naturally I cannot promise that which only the Committee as a whole can decide, but I beleive from my knowledge of the value and accuracy of your work that the Society would publish your work fully illustrated (as you desire) paying all the required expense.'
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Sherrington to Ruffini - 29 April 1903 (WCG 48.15)
Description:'Thank you for sending me your publications. I am able to send you some work of my own. I finished last year before I went to Canada an examination of the mammalian spinal cord... The figures of the degenerations were very carefully drawn under camera lucida by myself, but they have been reduced in size too much in the published paper, so as to be very unsatisfactory in my opinion.'
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Sherrington to Ruffini - 3 April 1899 (WCG 48.10)
Description:'In the last edition of his Handbook of Physiology Prof. Halliburton has introduced your figure of a muscle-spindle which appeared in the Journ. of Physiology so that the students of medicine in this country are becoming well acquainted with your name.'
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Sherrington to Ruffini - 6 November 1897 (WCG 48.4)
Description:'I have been asked to write for a large textbook of physiology which will soon appear in London, the article on cutaneous and muscular sensation. I shall be allowed to use illustrations in it, and Professor Luciana in Roma has already given me permission to use in my article on the cerebellum in the same book some figures from his "Il Cervelletto."
I write to ask you whether you will allow me to use the original figure of your Terminazione a mastri anulo-spirali published in 1892. I need hardly say that of course your name would be placed under the figure, and that I should exprtess my thanks to you for your permission in the text.
Still more shall I be greateful if my publishers may prduce in my book one of the unpublished drawings in your paper on the nerve-endings in the finger of man. Of course I would place your name below the figure, & thank you publicly in the text.'
Related to
Sherrington to Ruffini - 8 March 1898 (WCG 48.6)
Description:'Do you give a sufficient figure of the annulo-spiral ending in the figures sent? It seems to me in some preparations of my own that the fibre of your annulo-spiral is not a flat band but a round cord. I judge this from the shape of its optical section.'
Related to
Sherrington to Ruffini - 9 January 1898 (WCG 48.5)
Description:'I have this last week obtained back the two plates from your M.S. and I have now dispatched the whole to you. I am most sorry I was out-voted as to its publication by the Royal Society.'