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Date: 1883
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Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford
Holds B7 - Sphygmograph (for pulse recording)
Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford
Holds C.S. Sherrington, Notes on the Militarization of Germany c.1894-1914 (c. 1914-1918?).
Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford
Holds Carmine Injection, Grubler's carmine
DPAG, Le Gros Clark Building (formerly Department of Anatomy)
Holds Celloidin method for keeping paraffin sections in the slide
DPAG, Le Gros Clark Building (formerly Department of Anatomy)
Holds Clearing and Staining Bone and Cartilage in Embryos
DPAG, Le Gros Clark Building (formerly Department of Anatomy)
Holds D7 - Rotating Contact Breaker
Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford
Holds E. Sherrington, Scrapbook of Material Relating to the Career of C.S. Sherrington (c. 1884-1913)
Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford
Holds E. Sherrrington et. al., Scrapbook of Materials from Physiological Congresses - 1892, 1901, 1904, 1907, 1913, 1920 (c. 1892-1920).
Physiological Laboratory, Sherrington Building, University of Oxford