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Sent From (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeSent To (Definite): High Commission of the United Kingdom (New Delhi)Date: 14 Jun 1955
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Sent from
Commonwealth Relations Office
14 Jun 1955
Your telegram No. 664.
Most grateful for information which was extremely useful in discussions with American team headed by Mr. Bramble, United States Department, who will shortly be arriving in New Delhi.
2. The United States requirements of Rhesus monkeys for year from July 1955 to June 1956 is estimated at 175,000. In addition, United States informs us that Canadian requirements will be of the order of 30,000.
3. It has been emphasised to the Americans in the course of discussions here that we desire to avoid any action which will encourage demands for enhanced prices for monkeys. It has been suggested to the Americans that they should discuss their needs with the Indians on the basis of a humanitarian programme for the benefit of mankind as a whole.
4. The American representatives will probably raise with the Indians the question of additional supplies of Rhesus monkeys from Nepal.
Sent to
High Commission of the United Kingdom (New Delhi)
14 Jun 1955
Your telegram No. 664.
Most grateful for information which was extremely useful in discussions with American team headed by Mr. Bramble, United States Department, who will shortly be arriving in New Delhi.
2. The United States requirements of Rhesus monkeys for year from July 1955 to June 1956 is estimated at 175,000. In addition, United States informs us that Canadian requirements will be of the order of 30,000.
3. It has been emphasised to the Americans in the course of discussions here that we desire to avoid any action which will encourage demands for enhanced prices for monkeys. It has been suggested to the Americans that they should discuss their needs with the Indians on the basis of a humanitarian programme for the benefit of mankind as a whole.
4. The American representatives will probably raise with the Indians the question of additional supplies of Rhesus monkeys from Nepal.