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T. Quick, 'Puppy Love: Domestic Science, “Women's Work,” and Canine Care,' Journal of British Studies 58 (2) (2019), pp. 289-314.
Description:'On the 16 September 1907, chocolate magnate George Cadbury’s Daily News carried an advertisement for “Lactol,” a new commercial milk food. [note: '“Sherley’s Dog Medicines,” London Daily News, 16 September 1907, 11.'] On the face of it, therewas little that marked the product out from those already in existence. The Mongolian practice of preserving milk by leaving it out in the sun had been industrialized in Europe during the nineteenth century, and many different varieties of the foodstuff had been developed and marketed as aids to maternal care... Yet those whose attention was caught by the ad would have noticed something different from other milk products on the market: this “new and wonderful” food was intended not for children but for dogs. [note: '“Sherley’s Dog Medicines,” London Daily News, 16 September 1907, 11.']' (293-294)