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- Born
Date: 1866
- Died
Date: 24 Mar 1913
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24 Mar 1913
Cited by
B. Sidis, The Psychology of Suggestion: A Research into the Subconscious Nature of Man and Society (1898).
Description:'In post-hypnotic states, in cases that go under the name of hysteria, in many forms of aphasia, in many obscure mental diseases, in many psychic states subsequent to great mental shocks, in many mental maladies known as the "psychic equivalent of epilepsy," [note: 'See Dr. Van Gieson and Sidis, Epilepsy and Expert Testimony, New York State Hospitals Bulletin, April, 1897'] we meet with cases of different degrees of cell-disaggregations, accompanied by all shades and forms of mental dissociation or amnesia, forms and types which I shall discuss further on. These forms may be spontaneous, as in cases of diseases, or they may be artificial, as in the case of hypnosis. One psycho-pathological process, however, underlies all the various forms of functional diseases, and that is the process of cell-disaggregation, with its concomitant dissociation of moments-consciousness. [note: 'I wish here to express my acknowledgment and sincere thanks to Dr. Ira Van Gieson, Director of the Pathological Institute of the New York State Hospitals, for his kind assistance afforded me in the preparation of the accompanying plate.']