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Creators (Definite): Brain; Sir Charles Scott SherringtonDate: Between 1 Nov and 1 Dec 1913
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Holder (Definite): Brain
On the muscular sense of eye muscles.
Names mentioned: Wells, Panum, Lotze, Aubert, Hering, Listing, Watt, Kleijn,
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An Active Vision: Charles Sherrington's ocular physiology
Description:'The orientation of the retina in space in regard to the line of gravity, that is to say in the mind in regard to verticality, results from co-operation between the spatial gravity sense-organ and the muscular sense of the orbital muscles... [the posture of the eyeball] is perceived by the mind not as a state of the eyeball, but as a state of the external world, of the world as seen; it is “projected.”' (341-342)