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Cited by Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company Letter-book. 'No. 1, Dew-Smith' (4th Jan. 1880-9th Jan. 1882)
Description:'Dr Micheal Foster 3[?].3.81.
Jan 20 4 8" Boxwood Thermometer £0.4.0.
" 3 6" Minimum Thermometer £0.3.0.
21 Repairing Electrometer Key £0.2.0.
" Maximum Registering Thermometer £0.15.0.
May 16 Shade for 2 Registering Thermometers £0.17.3.
" Cap for Stylographic Pen £0.1.0.
June 14 Cell for Spectroscope of extra thick tube £2.5.0.
July Carriage Paid for Lightning Conductor £0.2.3.
Aug 7 Time in fixing, wire & solder £0.7.6.
" 13 Coloured Discs for Colour Mixer £0.5.0.
Oct 16 Kymograph ith 2 cylinders moving in horizontal and vertical positions £33.15.0.
Nov. 25 7 Rolls of 5 1/2 " continuous paper for Kymograph £2.0.0.
" 27 100 sheets of glazed paper £0.5.0.
Dec 11 Putting in order 3 Indution Coils £0.10.6.
£41.12.6.' (f. 112)
Cited by Order-book of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company (1880-1884)
Description:'1880... May. 24. Dr Micheal Foster (ordered by Mr S. Lea)
Adjustible Spectroscope Cell'
note: 'delvd' (f. 7)
'1881... Feb... Dr. Foster
500 Sheets glazed paper' (f. 16)
Cited by Order-Book of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company (Dec. 1884-28 July 1887)
Description:'1885. Professor M. Foster
1 Cast of Larynx
1 Giant Sounder
1 [Inge's?] Ring Barometer
1 Zeiss 1/18 Immersion
1 Polarizations Einrichtung'
The above is crossed through with blue pencil.
Beside it is written: 'Invoiced Ap. 30' in brown ink.
A comment and bracket covering the Zeiss and Polarization entries (both in red ink) reads: 'Delivered Jan 2/85 Invoice No. 1.' (ff. 1)