- Creation
Creator (Definite): The Cambridge Scientific Instrument CompanyDate: From 1 Jan 1885 to 28 Jul 1887
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): Cambridge University Library
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William Bateson
Description:'[1885]. W. Bateson Esq.
Stativ II mit Beleuchtung.
A.D.7. 24. Camera lucida.' (f. 4)
'424. Dec. 19 [1885]. W. Bateson Esq. St. John's College.
A Revolver for 3 Objectives. Del. Dec. 19th to Mr. Bateson personally.
Stativ I. No other apparatus; but the box must be made to hold: Stativ I, 6 Objectives, 4 Eye pieces, Camera lucida (old pattern), Revolving Prism, diaphragms, simple mirror, Revolver for 3 objectives.'
'80. March 10th 1886. W. Bateson Esq. St John's College.
A small Camera with RR lens, stand &c.'
Description:'May 6 [1885]. Miss Dugdale. Girls' Grammar School, Loughborough.
1 Zeiss Stativ VIIb. A.D. 2 & 4.'
Sir Michael Foster
Description:'1885. Professor M. Foster
1 Cast of Larynx
1 Giant Sounder
1 [Inge's?] Ring Barometer
1 Zeiss 1/18 Immersion
1 Polarizations Einrichtung'
The above is crossed through with blue pencil.
Beside it is written: 'Invoiced Ap. 30' in brown ink.
A comment and bracket covering the Zeiss and Polarization entries (both in red ink) reads: 'Delivered Jan 2/85 Invoice No. 1.' (ff. 1)
Sir Francis Galton
Description:'Jan. 9 [1885]. Francis Galton Esq.
Paste pages of test type on apparatus.
To mount 2 artificial eyes and write legend.
Paste article from Nature Jan. 8th on board.' (f. 10)
'Orders in hand Jan. 1st 1887.
Dec. 17 1885. Francis Galton Esq. F.R.S. 42 Rutland Gate. S.W.
1 Hand Dynamometer.'
Marion Greenwood Bidder
Description:'[1885]. Miss Greenwood.
To set up her galvanometer.' (f. 3)
'299. Oct. 4 1885. Miss Greenwood.
1 Roy's Universal Holder.
1 Pair of Electrodes.'
'158. June 3 [1886]. Miss Greenwood.
A Du Bois Reymond Key for repairs.'
'Nov. 18 [1886]. Miss Greenwood. Downing St. Laboratory.
1 C.S.I.C. Spectroscope.
1 Rabbit Holder.'
'Nov. 22 [1886]. Miss Greenwood.
1 Pair of Electrodes to instructions.
New Pump for Arterial Schama.'
'Nov. 30 [1886]. Miss Greenwood. Balfour Laboratory. Downing Place.
2 pairs of non-polarizable Electrodes.'
Alice Heath
Description:'LXI. Feb. 24. [18]87. 74 South St, Greenwich, S.E.
A Rocking Microtome with arrangement for cutting an extra length of material.'
Alice Johnson
Description:'414. Dec. 15 1885. Miss Johnson, Newnham Laboratory.
1 each Zeiss Aplanatic Lenses 8. 12. 16. must be deep.
To Repair Large Spectroscope.'
'37. Feb. 4th 1886. Miss Johnson. Newnham Laboratory.
Camera Lucida. No 71. and adapting same to microscope.'
'161. June 7 1886. Miss Johnson.
To repair a Clockwork Drum.'
'Oct. 26 [1886]. Miss Johnson. Newnham Laboratory.
New spiral winding spring and repairs to Caldwell Microtome.'
'XIV. Jan. 17 1887. Miss Johnson. Newnham Laboratory.
per Miss Greenwood.
1 Wippe Communtator
1 Muscle Forceps.'
'172. June 1 [1887]. Miss Johnson. Downing Laboratory.
New Binding Screw to Induction Coil.'
Helen Sheldon
Description:'42. Feb. 6th 1886. Miss Sheldon.
Repairing Fine Adjustment of Microscope.'
Sir Charles Scott Sherrington
Description:Jan 19 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington via Professor Goltz. Physiological Institute. Strassburg C/E.
The no. of Jnl. of Physiology containing article on Secondaty Degeneration by Mr. Langley.' (f. 15)
'321. Oct. 16 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington.
Metal capsule recording apparatus.'
'336. Oct. 26 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
To alter on eof Dr, Roy's pressure recording apparatus.
To make a new capsule of smaller size than the former one.'
'342. Oct. 29 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
1 large recording capsule to sketch and instruction.
Rubber membrane 1/-'
'344. Oct. 30 [18850. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
Alterations and additions to original capsule.'
'348. Nov. 2 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
1/2 doz medium Bull Dog Forceps.'
'369. Nov. 12 [1885]. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
2 German Silver Cannullae.'
'82. March 12 1886. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
To repair and Ophthalmoscope.'
'127. Apr. 22 [1886]. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
A Steel Trephine.
A Scraper and an Aneurism needle.'
'July 5 1886. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
To fetch from New Museums various apparatus &c. &c., and pack for shipment to Venice. - consigned to Becker & Co. Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. W.C. July 10th.'
'Oct. 5 1886. C.S. Sherrington Esq.
New Tube to Hypodermic Syringe. Sent to Hawksley Oct. 5th.'
'190. June 27 1887. C.S. Sherrington Esq. M.B.
Hygienisches Institut. Kloster Strasse. Berlin.
1 Roy's Oncometerfor Kidney of Rabbit.
Delivered per Parcels Post.and Invoiced, same date.'
E. Sidebotham
Description:'1885... No. 3.
E. Sidebotham. Caius College. (4 South Sq. Grays Inn)
Stati[on] II
Oculass [sic] 2 & 4.
Camera Lucida.
Micrometer Ocular 52 3'
Above crossed through.
Next to it in brown ink: 'Invoiced. Jan 9th 1885' (ff. 1)
Beatrice Taylor
Description:'December 1884. Miss Beatrice Taylor.
Girton College.
1 Revolver No. 100. with short adapters.' (f. 10)
'Feb. 6 [1885]. Miss Beatrice Taylor.
1 Zeiss Stativ VIIb. A.D. 2 & 4.' (f. 19)
Silvanus Phillips Thompson
Description:An entry of 1885 reads: 'Sylvanus P. Thompson
May perhaps want 2 reading microscopes'.
This is crossed through in blue pencil.
A subsequent comment added beside it in red ink reads 'No!' (ff. 1)
Hugh Edward Wingfield
Description:'1885... No. 4.
H. E. Wingfield. Caius College.
Statn. Va o[p?]tic Balancd tung
Obj A.D.
Ocular 2 & 4' - This crossed through, and 'Cancelled. see page 2.' written over it in red ink. (ff. 1)
'1885 No. 5. H.E. Wingfield. Caius College.
1 Statn IV
Objective A.D.
Ocular 2. 4.
Revolver No. 100.
Mr H.E.W. will take whichever comes first.'
'Delivered Jan 9/85' next to this in red ink. 'Invoiced Jan 9th' in brown. (ff. 2)
Agnes Wickham
Description:'1885... No. 6. Mrs Wickham from Mr A.S. Lea
1 Stativ IV
A.D. 2.4.
Revolver No. 100.'
Crossed through, marked 'Del Mch 26'
'to 67 Trumpingdon St' in pencil next to this. 'Invoiced'. (f. 2)