- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Possible): W.G. DowieSent To (Definite): Karl Pearson - 7 Well Rd, Hampstead, London NW3, UKDate: 24 Sep 1929
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Sent from
W.G. Dowie
24 Sep 1929
Description:'My dear Professor,
Mr. Moore Simpson, the Architect of the new building at the corner of Gower Street and Gower Place has, I understand, sent to you the plans of the new Animal House, which forms part of the building scheme.
The heating of the buildings will be in general by radiators but I take it that they are quite unsuitable to an Animal House. It has been suggested that the system of heating should be by pipes, at a height of 3ft. 6 inches (so as to be substantially above the level of the pens) and that a temperature of 62° should be maintained. It has also been suggested that electric power should be provided, so that electric radiators may be put into use in case of emergency and at times when the pressure is low (e.g. Sundays).
Would you kindly let me know whether the proposal in question meets with your approval?
Mr. W.H. Fewins (20, Arbuthnot Road, New Cross, S.E.14) , is acting as Consultant Engineer for Heating and could see you by appointment. Professor Clinton is acting as Consultant for Lighting: I have asked him to get into touch with you in that matter.
Yours Sincerely,
W.G. Dowie[?]
Secretary. [UCL]’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Sep 1929
7 Well Rd, Hampstead, London NW3, UK
Description:'My dear Professor,
Mr. Moore Simpson, the Architect of the new building at the corner of Gower Street and Gower Place has, I understand, sent to you the plans of the new Animal House, which forms part of the building scheme.
The heating of the buildings will be in general by radiators but I take it that they are quite unsuitable to an Animal House. It has been suggested that the system of heating should be by pipes, at a height of 3ft. 6 inches (so as to be substantially above the level of the pens) and that a temperature of 62° should be maintained. It has also been suggested that electric power should be provided, so that electric radiators may be put into use in case of emergency and at times when the pressure is low (e.g. Sundays).
Would you kindly let me know whether the proposal in question meets with your approval?
Mr. W.H. Fewins (20, Arbuthnot Road, New Cross, S.E.14) , is acting as Consultant Engineer for Heating and could see you by appointment. Professor Clinton is acting as Consultant for Lighting: I have asked him to get into touch with you in that matter.
Yours Sincerely,
W.G. Dowie[?]
Secretary. [UCL]’