Related to
Temporary Animal House of the Galton Laboratory, University College London.
Description: ‘...
Your Sub-Committtee considered the question of accommodation for animals, such as rats and mice. The Architect pointed out that there will be no difficulty in providing adequate and suitable accommodation for rats and mice on the second floor of the Pavillion, when that Pavillion is built.
Your Sub-Committee then considered four proposals to provide temporary accommodation for animals (rats and mice). These four proposals were as follows:-
(i) Rooms in the basement, as shown in Professor Pearson’s Sketch Plans.
(ii) The temporary use of the room on the second floor shown in the Architect’s Plan as an Archives Room.
(iii) The Stables in Little Gower Place at present partially occupied by Mr. Barker for the Sub-Department of Heating and Ventilating.
(Note: It was ascertained from Professor Simpson that accommodation for Mr. Barker can be found in the basement of the Architectural Building.)
(iv) A temporary structure at the South end of the new building, between the end of the building and the present Porter’s Lodge, such temporary structure to be erected over a permanent concrete floor, the concrete floor being ultimately incorporated in the Pavillion Building.
These four proposals were discussed at length. Professor Pearson having expressed his willingness to accept for the temporary accommodation of animals (rats and mice) either the whole of the Stables known as 23a Little Gower Place or a temporary structure at the South end of the new building, your Sub-Committee instructed the Architect to complete the Plans without providing any accommodation for animals in the basement.
Your Sub-Committee therefore leave it to the College Committee to decide which of the two alternatives (iii) or (iv) shall be adapted.
Edward H. Busk.
Appended to the Report is a summary showing the arrangements of the rooms proposed. The Plans of the proposed building will be on view in the College on Tuesday afternoon next, and on Wednesday.’