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Date: 2 Mar 1864
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Date: 27 Jun 1947
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2 Mar 1864
27 Jun 1947
P. Hartog to K. Pearson, 11th July 1913.
11 Jul 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
In regard to the transfer of the Laboratory, I always understood that you had no personal views in the matter except that a separate Banking account should be kept and this has been secured. I think there was a great deal to be said both for the maintenance of the status quo in regard to the Laboratory and for the change proposed by the University College Committee. I am inclined to think that the compromise arrived at was probably the best solution of the difficulty in the circumstances and I trust that the Laboratory will not lose financially. I certainly anticipated that there might be opposition in the Senate and had the Galton Committee not acquiesced in the change, it would probably have arisen.’
P. Hartog to K. Pearson, 30th May 1913.
30 May 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
Sir Edward Busk asks me to forward for your information the enclosed copy of the Report of the Galton Laboratory Committee. The only matter apart from the general question of administration not dealt with in my previous letter is the suggested alteration of the title of the Department, which I may say was urged on the Committee by Major Darwin and Mr Galton.
I am,
Very truly your, P. Hartog’
P.J. Hartog to K. Pearson, 11th July 1913.
11 Jul 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
In regard to the transfer of the Laboratory, I always understood that you had no personal views in the matter except that a separate Banking account should be kept and this has been secured. I think there was a great deal to be said both for the maintenance of the status quo in regard to the Laboratory and for the change proposed by the University College Committee. I am inclined to think that the compromise arrived at was probably the best solution of the difficulty in the circumstances and I trust that the Laboratory will not lose financially. I certainly anticipated that there might be opposition in the Senate and had the Galton Committee not acquiesced in the change, it would probably have arisen.’