- Born
Date: 1907
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K. Pearson, Albinism in Dogs & Men [1913] [Lecture on Albinism A]
'Albinism is relatively rare in the [1-2] dog, but fortunately for our work Nettleship in 1907 was able to procure three albino dogs Tong I, Jack and Jill, and later these were added to by the purchase of two others Beenie and Spook, while certain number of other albinos have been offered to me of recent years.' (ff. 1-2).
'There is every grade of pigmentation from a markedly loaded anterior surface to one passed as without anterior pigment in which a few granules will probably be discernable with the microscope. Just as the Mendelian category – absence of pigment – fails with eye, so it fails with coat. Marked aberrations are rare, but albinism does not breed true, if by that is meant its absolute like. Jack & Jill have given us very white coated dogs like Patty, but they have also given us cream coloured albinos, down to brown – look at the coats exhibited – and in one rare instance, they gave us Fe a piebald with imperfectly albinotic eyes. In the above I am speaking of pure-bred albinos, but with extracted albinos I get wider deviations, and have almost established a chocolate albino.' (f. 8)