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Creator (Definite): Medicus (Our Dogs contributor)Date: 24 Jul 1931
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Allenbury's Food
Description:'There are many excellent puppy foods on the market, and to recommend any particular one in preference to another would be unfair to advertisers, and would be an injustice to every one of the admirable special foods which re prepared for this and no other purpose. This is why I have consistently avoided any mention of the products of different manufacturers. There are, however, a number of invalid foods on the market not prepared for dogs at all, but for human beings - Benger's, Allenbury's, Malted Milk (Horlick), and others quite well known - which from time to time are used for puppies and delicate and invalid dogs by people who write to me. I should like to add another - a new product - of which samples have reached me for trial as a food for "invalids and persons with weak stomachs." It is known as "Miriam's Food" and is prepared in London. Having tried it on a member of my household who has a particualrly weak and sensitive digestion, with really excellent results, I thought it might suit dogs also. Its effect upon a terrier which happened to be in a sad way after violent stomach trouble was most encouraging. Further experiments confirmed my good opinion. It is not a milk or milk-substitute food at all, but is intended to be mixed with milk after the style of Benger. Some of my readers may like to try this new food. I think it would suit many of the cases that come under my notice.'
Benger's Food
Description:'There are many excellent puppy foods on the market, and to recommend any particular one in preference to another would be unfair to advertisers, and would be an injustice to every one of the admirable special foods which re prepared for this and no other purpose. This is why I have consistently avoided any mention of the products of different manufacturers. There are, however, a number of invalid foods on the market not prepared for dogs at all, but for human beings - Benger's, Allenbury's, Malted Milk (Horlick), and others quite well known - which from time to time are used for puppies and delicate and invalid dogs by people who write to me. I should like to add another - a new product - of which samples have reached me for trial as a food for "invalids and persons with weak stomachs." It is known as "Miriam's Food" and is prepared in London. Having tried it on a member of my household who has a particualrly weak and sensitive digestion, with really excellent results, I thought it might suit dogs also. Its effect upon a terrier which happened to be in a sad way after violent stomach trouble was most encouraging. Further experiments confirmed my good opinion. It is not a milk or milk-substitute food at all, but is intended to be mixed with milk after the style of Benger. Some of my readers may like to try this new food. I think it would suit many of the cases that come under my notice.'
Malted Milk
Description:'There are many excellent puppy foods on the market, and to recommend any particular one in preference to another would be unfair to advertisers, and would be an injustice to every one of the admirable special foods which re prepared for this and no other purpose. This is why I have consistently avoided any mention of the products of different manufacturers. There are, however, a number of invalid foods on the market not prepared for dogs at all, but for human beings - Benger's, Allenbury's, Malted Milk (Horlick), and others quite well known - which from time to time are used for puppies and delicate and invalid dogs by people who write to me. I should like to add another - a new product - of which samples have reached me for trial as a food for "invalids and persons with weak stomachs." It is known as "Miriam's Food" and is prepared in London. Having tried it on a member of my household who has a particualrly weak and sensitive digestion, with really excellent results, I thought it might suit dogs also. Its effect upon a terrier which happened to be in a sad way after violent stomach trouble was most encouraging. Further experiments confirmed my good opinion. It is not a milk or milk-substitute food at all, but is intended to be mixed with milk after the style of Benger. Some of my readers may like to try this new food. I think it would suit many of the cases that come under my notice.'
Miriam's Food
Description:'There are many excellent puppy foods on the market, and to recommend any particular one in preference to another would be unfair to advertisers, and would be an injustice to every one of the admirable special foods which re prepared for this and no other purpose. This is why I have consistently avoided any mention of the products of different manufacturers. There are, however, a number of invalid foods on the market not prepared for dogs at all, but for human beings - Benger's, Allenbury's, Malted Milk (Horlick), and others quite well known - which from time to time are used for puppies and delicate and invalid dogs by people who write to me. I should like to add another - a new product - of which samples have reached me for trial as a food for "invalids and persons with weak stomachs." It is known as "Miriam's Food" and is prepared in London. Having tried it on a member of my household who has a particualrly weak and sensitive digestion, with really excellent results, I thought it might suit dogs also. Its effect upon a terrier which happened to be in a sad way after violent stomach trouble was most encouraging. Further experiments confirmed my good opinion. It is not a milk or milk-substitute food at all, but is intended to be mixed with milk after the style of Benger. Some of my readers may like to try this new food. I think it would suit many of the cases that come under my notice.'