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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 9 Nov 1934
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Description:'There has just been put on the market a new dog and puppy cake named "Mixavite." Its main ingredients are medicinal and cod liver oil, whole wheatmeal, dried milk, wheat germ and iodised minerals. This new food is said to be particularly rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. A and B are greatly concerned in the production of bone, and on this account "Mixavite" is said to help greatly in the growth and production of perfect bone, teeth and jaw formation. The iodine content of the food acts as an additional element to the functioning of the thyroid gland and as an internal disinfectant. There is also present vitamin B which has a beneficial action on the working of the boweld, [and] which has much to do in the production of healthy litters. It is said that the new food is so balanced that it contains all of the necessary ingredients to help in the growth of bone and muscle, without producing unnecessary fat and that it is a correct incentive to the proper working of a dog's internal organs.'