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Creator (Definite): Anon.Date: 26 Jun 1931
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Chappel Kennel Foundation (Rockford, IL.)
Description:'To old-timers down in the Ozarks it will be sad news. Missouri, the state which made the hound dog famous, has succumbed to an alien breed - the Boston terrier. That is the information from the Chappel Kennel Foundation, Rockford, Ill, which has jsut completed a National dog breed census. According to the survey, the Boston terrier not only leads its own group, the nonsporting, in Missouri, but all othe classifications as well.
The other group leaders are: Terrier, wire, fox and Scotch; toy, Pekingese and Pomeranian; bird, setter and pointer; hound, beagle; working, German shepherd, and farm, collie.
This change in dog demands away from collies, shepherds, pointers and setters toward house and lap dogs is but another index to the change in or living conditions. Big dogs belong to the country and outdoors, whereas we live increasingly in cities and towns where yards are small or not at all. Yet there is much to gratify the dog lover in the report. Everyone acquianted with the Boston terrier know what a smart fellow he is. Missouri could do far worse in its new choice. - St Louis Post-Dispatch.'