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Description: 'Whilst on the subject of the science of feeding I should like to mention that I have received from Messrs. Spratt's Patent Ltd., a sample of a slightly varied form of the whole wheatmeal food to which I referred in my "Notes" in the November 18 issue of last year. That food was originally prepared as a diet for Greyhounds, but the new variety is intended for the ordinary house-dog. It is being put on the market under the name of "Kenergy," and on examination appears to confirm all that I said about the other, with this variation, that it contains a small percentage of granulated charcoal biscuit, which is not only a wholesome thing for the dog's stomach, but which, I have found, has a particular attraction for many dogs by reason of the gritty sound it produces - a much better thing for dogs than that very favourite habit so many have of going to the coal-box for a bit of cinder!'