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Sent From (Definite): C.W. HollandDate: 4 Mar 1950
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Harry James Smith
Description:'4th March 1950.
Disabled Person's (Employment) Act, 1944. Paraplegics (MLCC.139. Para.2354)
Mr. Albert E. Hamilton. 262, Willesden Lane, London. N.W.2.
Forwarded herewith is the form D.P.1 relating to the above-named who was due to be discharged from Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, on 3rd March.
The man is suffering from complete paralysis of both legs as the result of a crane accident whilst serving in the Royal Navy. The accident [occurred] in October 1946 since when he has receiving treatment in various hospitals, his last spell being at the above-named hospital since April, 1949.
The doctors have now certified him as being fit for employment and Smith states that he is anxious to get fixed up as soon as possible. During the interview Smith stated that he would like an approach to be made to the Milk Marketing Board at Thames Ditton with a view to obtaining a post as a clerk and I have advised him that you will make the appropriate enquiries. The choice of employment is in agreement with the medical report.
It is understood that this patient's name is in the priority list for the provision of a motor car under the Ministry of Pensions scheme, but at the moment he is confined to the use of a hand-propelled chair and in the circumstances he is unable to get about a great deal. He has therefore requested that your D.R.O. should, if possible, make a call on him at his home so that further details, if required, could be given.
It will be observed from Section XXIV of MLCC 139 that monthly progress reports should be submitted to this [office] and I would like to stress that such reports are [very] closely followed by the Disabled Person's Branch at Headquarters who are attaching great importance to the instructions laid down in the circular.'