aka: "Bunty"
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I. Brittain, 'Stoke Mandeville 1949: The Paraplegic ‘Olympic Games’ of the Future,' paralympicanorak, 12th Sept. 2012.
Description:'Highest Ladies Score: J. Bunty Noon 213 pts'
Cited by
I. Brittain, 'Stoke Mandeville Games 1953: Swimming Makes its First Splash', paralympicanorak, 8th Oct. 2012.
Description:'Swimming (42 ft)
After the official opening of the pool by Mrs Walley four paraplegics gave the spectators a demonstration of the ease with which paraplegics could swim. They were Jeanne Kohlhoof, a former nurse in India; ‘Jock Brown’, a Scottish coalminer; Joan ‘Bunty’ Noon, injured in an air crash whilst in the WRAF and Tom Mitchell, injured in a tree-felling accident. [note: 'Bucks Advertiser & Aylesbury News, 1953, Swimming – Latest Paralympic Game, Friday 14th August; p.13.']'
Cited by
I. Brittain, 'Stoke Mandeville Games 1954: The First Parade of Nations', paralympicanorak, 15th Oct. 2012.
Description:'Ladies Backstroke: Joan ‘Bunty’ Noon (Stoke Mandeville)'
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Note (LAB 20/123)
Description:'During my visit to Stoke Mandeville Hospital on 28/10/1948, I went into the cases of three paraplegic ex-W.R.A.F. Air Women with Flight-Officer Beer, Welfare Officer at Air Ministry Headquarters:-
3. Miss Joan Noon., (ex-Corporal), is a very fine girl full of interests and will certainly make good. She also is about 22 with secondary education. She is much interested in tracing in the Draughtsmanship courses and hopes to be allowed to go to Worcester with some of the men who are trainee draughtsmen and who hope, eventually, to get jobs with the Ministry of Works. Whether such training in her case would lead to employment needs careful investigation and this also must be reported to the R.O.'