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Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Hunt
Description: 'Although The Cord has grown from humble beginnings to an established Magazine...
Essentially it is the interest and work of its editor, Col. C.A. Hunt, who plans each issue from his desk at "Chaseley," Eastbourne. A paraplegic himself, he devotes his energy to serving others similarly handicapped, through the pages of this publication.
Because The Cord has a special appeal to those with that particular handicap, Col. Hunt has before him three main objectives. The first is to pass on technical and other information likely to be helpful to paraplegics; secondly, to keep in touch with current events concerning paraplegics, and record news and views from other centres and individual readers and, last, but by no means least, to provide some light reading for relaxation.
Articles reach the editors desk from readers and regular contributors and others and these have to be typed and "vetted" before going to the printers and a selection made, which not only provides the quantity and quality of material required, but the variety the reader should rightly expect.' (22)